
Every ongoing interaction is a relationship, and we talk about all kinds of them: friendships, romantic and sexual relationships, relationships at work and at home, at school and out and about in the world. Dating, breakups, shakeups, makeups; situationships, crushes, love-of-your-lifes. From figuring out what kinds of relationships you want, to navigating change or trouble, if it’s about you + someone else, it’s probably here.

  • Abigail Moss

Dynamics like mine require a lot of honesty, and often speaking honestly can make you feel vulnerable, but showing vulnerability to a partner is a good way to build trust and intimacy. At the same time, you learn a lot about yourself as you're forced to ask yourself tough questions and to think carefully about what you want from a relationship and why - in turn, this makes you appreciate the reasons you want to be with your partner(s), and what it is about being with them that makes you happy.

  • Haley Moss

Disability may feel scary if you’re new to it - there is a lot of language involved to learn, maybe more medical information than you feel capable of handling, or you might have a fear about possibly being cast in a caregiver role more so than a partner. All of these fears can be dispelled or addressed through ongoing, healthy communication. In my experience, disclosure is an ongoing conversation and there is no single “correct” way to do it, but there are ways that our partners can be stronger allies.

  • Lisa Laman

Suddenly, a person you’ve been regularly communicating with is M.I.A. Without warning, a fixture of recent life can become a memory. Somebody you’d bonded with has abruptly stopped contacting you. The text messages have ceased, all traces of their presence in your life have been yanked away by them, and without warning or explanation. But just because the experience is stressful doesn’t mean it’s impossible to endure. There are ways for autistic people to come out the other side of getting ghosted.

  • Lisa Laman

Being autistic, some things just haven’t come as naturally for me as they seem to for other people. Unfortunately, these have included hallmarks of American life often used to symbolize being “an adult” like driving on my own or getting my first paid job. But human beings are not on a strict timetable to do all the same things at the same time. This is just as true of dating like anything else. Just because you (or I) haven’t been actively dating when a lot of other people in your life have doesn’t make you (or me) a failure. You’re just on your own timetable. So am I.

  • Adam England

If you’re a bisexual guy and you haven’t been with other guys yet, the idea might seem a little daunting, for a number of reasons. The reality doesn’t have to be so tricky, however, despite the worries you might have.

  • Lisa Laman

Two smart, insightful and autistic people who like talking about relationships walk into an interview. What comes out is this fantastically rich conversation between Scarleteen columnist Lisa Laman and Love and Asperger's author and therapist Kate McNulty.

  • Sam Wall

Em, I wish I could reach through the screen and give you a hug. You, and the two classmates of your sister's who have been targeted by their peers and failed by the adults who should have protected them. I am so very angry on their behalf, and on yours. This situation sucks in no small part because...

  • Gabriel Leão

Sex educator and therapist Dr. Lexx Brown-James talks talks about her line of work, how Covid-19 is rampaging peoples’ emotions, and how the work of POC sex educators continues to be devalued, stolen and co-opted.

  • Lisa Laman

You can read a book. You can read a map. But reading people, that’s difficult in any situation. Reading people to figure out if they’re actually into you romantically or sexually is even more difficult. Lisa Laman is here to give fellow autistic readers a little help.

  • Heather Corinna

Hi there, Lilly. I think I can help you with this. First, I want to assuage some of your fears. Just because your young siblings are having a hard time understanding this doesn’t mean the whole of the LGBTQ+ community does or will. For sure, biphobia is, unfortunately, still alive and well in plenty...