a big ol' rolodex like in the olden times

External Resources

There’s a lot of great information and help outside Scarleteen, both online and off. Some of those resources help with the kinds of things we do, others provide things we can’t or don’t. Here are some other people and places you can trust and explore.


NoTeenShame is on a mission to improve policy and eradicate the stigma that negatively impacts young parents’ access to quality healthcare, education, and community support. They create a space where young parents can talk about young parenthood without being judged, stereotyped, or shamed for our sexual⁠ and reproductive choices.

(Wo)men Speak Out

(Wo)Men Speak Out’s flagship program consists of keynote delivered by Chris and Ophelia. It includes an ambitious address that analyzes the nature of abuse⁠ from multiple perspectives. Often generating the liveliest discussions, it is a no-holds-barred approach to addressing the issues that go unaddressed by most institutions. Chris and Ophelia apply the lessons learned from personally handpicked films and tailor dialogue to the issues affecting the student community. They talk about the experience, the myths, the madness, and turn it Inside Out.

Fraternity Program

Calling All Greeks was created by Christopher & Ophelia as an interactive program to help educate young men on the seriousness of rape⁠ and their roles in reversing the issue on campus and in their neighborhoods. Through dialogue and information giving, young men learn how to create empowerment through non-violence & implement programs of prevention, becoming leaders in their communities. One out⁠ of four women will be sexually assaulted on a college campus.

One out of four women will be sexually assaulted on a college campus. Make a new pledge for rush week. Book (Wo)Men Speak Out for a workshop or keynote engagement.

Female only speaking engagements

What are the mechanisms that attack our self-image and condition women to perpetuate this assault onto themselves? How do the media, the magazines we read, and the television programs we watch all conspire to limit our sense of ourselves and hinder our ultimate potential? Specially tailored towards the female college populace, Don’t Waste The Pretty is an honest conversation about the negative, limiting effects of society. Ophelia discusses her own personal journey as a survivor of childhood abuse, intimate partner⁠ violence, and addiction. This program teaches women the tools needed to empower themselves and each other. Don’t Waste The Pretty is not just a wake up call, but a call to action.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States. It is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States. They are committed to improving crisis services and advancing suicide prevention by empowering individuals, advancing professional best practices, and building awareness.

Call or text 988external link, opens in a new tab to connect.


Abortion Clinics in Europe

This website helps people locate nearby abortion⁠ services. The search function can sort by distance, country, treatment methods (surgical or medical), anesthetic used (general or local), and late-term abortion services. They also provide useful links on transportation routes and methods and general information about each country (law, restrictions, access, etc.).

Abortion Resolution Workbook

This workbook guides people through complex emotions they may experience in the wake of an abortion⁠, including frameworks and resources for people for whom their faith is an important factor in their feelings.

Abortion Stories

Hundreds of real people bravely tell their own abortion⁠ stories so that you can better understand abortion from a real-life, first person perspective.

Abortion Support Network

Abortion Support Network helps people who need to access safe abortions.

“We provide information on clinics, travel and accommodation, and provide financial assistance to help with costs for those who need it.  We do this for women and pregnant people resident in Ireland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, Malta, Gibraltar, Poland, Romania, Hungary, France, Spain, the Czech Republic and the other EU countries on a case-by-case basis.”

About Face

About-Face’s mission is to equip women and girls with tools to understand and resist the harmful stereotypes of women the media disseminates. There are three components to About-Face’s program, Education into Action: media-literacy workshops, action groups, and this resource-filled web site. About-Face is based in San Francisco, California. Our workshops and action groups reach throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Our web site, of course, is available the world over.

About-Face/Agape Foundation
P.O. Box 77665
San Francisco, CA 94107

Access Is Love

Access is Love believes access should be a collective responsibility instead of a sole responsibility placed on a few individuals. Riught now over there, you can find 10 ways to start creating and expanding accessexternal link, opens in a new tab, a list of readings and resourcesexternal link, opens in a new tab on accessibility & disability justice, and they’ll be highlighting a different advocacy group every two months. Access Is Love aims to help build a world where accessibility is understood as an act of love.

Accessible Yoga

The goal of the organization is, “to share the benefits of Yoga with anyone who currently doesn’t have access to yoga practices, especially communities that have been excluded or underserved. These communities may include people of all shapes, sizes or colors. They include people with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, or invisible disabilities such as chronic illness, emotional challenge or PTSD. They include people with vision or hearing impairments, canes, walkers and wheelchairs. They are young, middle-aged and senior. They live in homes, juvenile halls, jails, or on the street. Our goal is to make any of these people feel welcome in a yoga class, so they can experience the benefits of yoga. “

Among their other services, they have an excellent list of yoga resourcesexternal link, opens in a new tab for different populations.

Adios, Barbie!

It serves as a place for social commentary on body issues, redefining what the body really means and encouraging people to think of themselves first when re-imagining their perceptions of beauty and power.

Advocates for Youth

Advocates provides information, training, and strategic assistance to youth-serving organizations, policy makers, youth activists, and the media in the United States and the developing world.

2000 M Street NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 419-3420


A resource dedicated to helping Black folks reclaim their connection to their bodies, sexuality, and pleasure. It includes workshops, webinars, interactive workbooks, and other tools to help foster sexual⁠ liberation.

Agents of Ishq

A fantastic multi-media project about sex⁠, love and desire⁠ for everyone, from Mumbai.  They make cool video, beautiful images and great audio and text about sex, love and desire in India.

Aid Access

This site connects people with physicians who prescribe abortion⁠ pills, even before someone is pregnant. It also offers instructions for how to safely carry out⁠ a medical abortion.

Aisle Menstrual Products

Lunapads rebranded as Aisle.

(from the website:)

Lunapads International is a women-owned and operated social mission-based business based in Vancouver, Canada. Our goal is to help individuals have healthier and more positive experiences of their menstrual⁠ cycles, and by extension, their bodies overall. Lunapads’ mission is to create more positive and informed relationships between menstruators, their bodies and the Earth. We embrace a global perspective, in terms of wellbeing and empowerment for women and girls, as well as toward our responsibility with respect to sustainability.

We believe that using natural menstrual products is a creative and empowering way to honor and care for ourselves and the planet. All of our products have been created or chosen based on our own unique needs and lifestyles (in other words, we use them ourselves, and have done so for years), and we are confident we can find a solution that will work for you.

All-Options Talkline

This is a talkline for people who are pregnant and unsure how they feel, what to do next, or for people who want to talk about past or current experiences with abortion⁠, adoption, parenting, infertility or pregnancy⁠ loss. They offer pro-choice and inclusive support.

They serve the US and Canada.



Real, accurate information about sex⁠, bodies and relationships in fun, animated videos. Particularly good for younger viewers.

c/o Advocates for Youth
1325 G Street NW, Suite 980
Washington, DC 20005

American Civil Liberties Union: LGBT

Combatting civil rights and liberties attacks on gay⁠, lesbian⁠, bisexual⁠ and transgender⁠ persons and groups.

Amnesty International

Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights, including the right to sexual⁠ and interpersonal nonviolence, body sanctity and freedom of information.

Asexual Visibility & Education Network

AVEN hosts the world’s largest online asexual⁠ community as well as a large archive of resources on asexuality. AVEN strives to create open, honest discussion about asexuality among sexual⁠ and asexual people alike.

Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists

A tool you can use to find a counselor or therapist who is GLBT or a GLBT ally⁠ through this referral pageexternal link, opens in a new tab.


Autostraddle is an online magazine and social network for lesbian⁠, bisexual⁠, and queer⁠ women and nonbinary⁠ people that offers a wide range of topics – dating, sex⁠, identity⁠, bodies, food, books, music, crafts, the works! – and progressive feminist online community. Much of its content is very teen-friendly.

Be in the Know

“Be in the KNOW is a digital brand offering fresh, sex⁠-positive content you can trust. It’s designed to help you understand, discuss and take action to protect your sexual⁠ health and answer some of your most pressing questions on relationships, sexual health and HIV.

Covering sex and relationships, prevention and testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections⁠, as well as how to live well with HIV, beintheknow.org is packed full of advice and health information, videos, quizzes, blogs, discussion starters and much more to keep things fun as well as evidence-based.”

Beautiful Cervix Project

From the website:

“The Beautiful Cervix Project celebrates the beauty and intricacies of our bodies and fertility⁠. We provide accessible information about fertility and menstrual⁠ cycles and showcase photographs documenting changes in the cervix⁠ and cervical fluid throughout the cycle.

“The Beautiful Cervix Project encourages people with cervices to learn cervical self-exam and fertility awareness⁠ as a revolutionary path of promoting respect, confidence, and health.  We believe that this form of self-empowerment and education will help contradict shame and misinformation around our reproductive health and choices, affecting positive change from the personal to global levels.”

Birds and bees and kids

Workshops, books, videos and other resources by sex⁠ educator Amy Lang to help parents and sex ed professionals do an excellent job with kids, teens and sexuality.

Birth Control Comparison Charts

Want to compare and contrast different methods of birth control⁠?  Take a look at The Feminist Women’s Heath Center/Cedar River Clinics’ comparison charts on both English and Spanish, including links to printable PDFs.

Black Emotional And Mental Health (BEAM)

BEAM’s mission is to remove the barriers that Black people experience getting access to or staying connected with emotional health care and healing. We do this through education, training, advocacy and the creative arts.

1825 N. Vermont #27945
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Black Girl Magik

Black Girl Magik is a global movement creating safe spaces for Black women and girls (both gen-z and millenials) to voice, listen and encourage each other with unconditional vulnerability and honest acceptance.

Started in 2015, Black Girl Magik reached popularity through their signature BGM Meetups. BGM meetups are intimate gatherings crafted to empower women and girls to care for their emotional health, define their own narrative and discover sisterhood. They are designing safe spaces that get people talking about real issues, such as mental health and self-identity⁠ and lead community building “workouts” that nurture courageous self-acceptance. As a community, they dismantle limitations, challenge stigmas and lift each other higher.

Black Mamas Matter Alliance

Black Mamas Matter Alliance is a Black women-led cross-sectoral alliance. They center Black mamas to advocate, drive research, build power, and shift culture for Black maternal health, rights, and justice.

Black Minds Matter UK

Black Minds Matter UK’s mission is to support in making mental health topics relevant and accessible for all black people in the U.K. They aim to fulfill this by connecting black individuals and families with professional mental health services across the U.K.  They have created a fund that will go towards covering the cost of any services that you might feel you could benefit from. Finding a therapist and starting your journey towards improved mental health is as easy as browsing the website, choosing a therapist based on your needs, arranging a session and they will cover the cost.

United Kingdom
Twitter: @bmm_uk
Instagram: @blackmindsmatter.uk

Black Transmen, Inc

Black Transmen, Inc. provides positive and affirming support to enrich the lives of transmen thru EmpowerHIM. The EmpowerHIM program offers self empowerment through mentoring, access to resources, and financial assistance to support his healthy transition⁠ and leadership development.

Black Virtual Wellness Directory

Part of BEAM, this is a search engine that lets you find Virtual Black therapist, doula, yoga teacher, mediator and much more by your state. US only.

Body Size Diversity and Acceptance

From the University of Illinois Counseling Center, a great piece about body image⁠, societal expectations, and making healthy choices that are right for YOUR body.

Born Free!

A website devoted to teaching women about the sensual, spiritual power of unassisted childbirth using personal accounts of unassisted childbirth, pictures and information.

Brave Space Alliance

Brave Space Alliance is the first Black-led, trans-led LGBTQ Center located on the South Side of Chicago, dedicated to creating and providing affirming, culturally competent, for-us by-us resources, programming, and services for LGBTQ individuals on the South and West sides of the city. They strive to empower, embolden, and educate through mutual aid, knowledge-sharing, and the creation of community-sourced resources, building toward the liberation of all oppressed peoples.

1515 E 52nd
Chicago, IL 60615
(872) 333-5199

Brook for Young People (UK)

Brook is the only national voluntary sector provider of free and confidential sexual⁠ health advice and services specifically for young people under 25.

Brook is a registered charity, and has 40 years’ experience of providing professional advice through specially trained doctors, nurses, counsellors, and outreach and information workers to over 200,000 young people each year.

You can visit Brook’s websiteexternal link, opens in a new tab for information or to find a centre near you.

Captain Awkward

A blog offering advice on a variety of topics, including relationships (of all kinds), abuse⁠, boundary setting, and how to have tough conversations.

Cara App

The app helps you find abortion⁠ clinics in the following ways

  • Connects you to clinics that offer genuine consultation, pills and surgery.

  • Picks the clinics based on where you are and how many weeks you’ve been pregnant.

  • Excludes all political and religious organizations that disguise as abortion facilities.



Center for Positive Sexuality

The Center for Positive Sexuality is a 501c3 non-profit educational and research unincorporated association, whose mission is to address social issues through sex⁠ positive researchexternal link, opens in a new tab and educationexternal link, opens in a new tab.

Los Angeles, CA

Changing Sexpectations

The Equipment, part oneexternal link, opens in a new tab

This section of the video covers topics such as physical anatomy⁠ (and what the parts do), arousal⁠, vaginal fluid, semen⁠, and intersexuality.

The Equipment, part twoexternal link, opens in a new tab

This section of the video covers topics such as gender identity⁠, sexual orientation⁠, the characteristics of semen & vaginal fluid, and size.

Crisis Pregnancy Center Map

CPC Map aims to provide location information about all of the crisis pregnancy⁠ centers operating in the U.S. The interactive map allows you to see which clinics in your area are actually Crisis Pregnancy Centers. CPCs are anti-choice/prolife and we do not recommend anyone goes to them, whether or not they are planning to remain pregnant. For more information about them read Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Harm not Help.

Deaf Dawn

Are you a Deaf survivor of domestic violence, sexual⁠ abuse⁠, or stalking? DAWN provides crisis intervention services for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind communities. They serve Washington, DC, and Maryland, and have online information resources. Survivor services include:

  • Resource referral (restorative justice, medical and legal)
  • Case management
  • Wraparound services
  • Peer advocacy
  • Counseling
  • Support groups
  • Resiliency Education Classes


DeQH: Desi LGBTQ Helpline for South Asians

DeQH is the first national Desi LGBTQ Helpline in the United States. They offer free, confidential, culturally sensitive peer support, information and resources for LGBTQ South Asian individuals, families and friends around the globe. They offer both a helpline and a way to send written communication⁠ and receive support back.


Different Is Normal

Not if we’re just saying so?

Then check out⁠ Planned Parenthood’s ingenious little film here, showing a nice array of genital variations for people of all genders.

Disability And Sexuality at AMAZE

A video for young people which holds and explains that all people are (potentially) sexual⁠ beings, no matter what their bodies can or cannot do physically or what type of support they may need from time to time or all of the time.

Disability, Pregnancy & Parenthood

This organization is run by Deaf and disabled people and provides peer support and information for Deaf and disabled people who want to become, or are, parents. Topics include adaptive techniques and equipment for diaper-changing and other types of baby and childcare, advocacy for healthcare and other services, and guides for parents with different types of disability.

Do Yoga With Me

Free online yoga classes, for healthier bodies and healthier minds! Besides increasing strength and flexibility, yoga has proven itself as a great stress-reduction tool. Do Yoga With Me has videos for all levels of experience and fitness-  all you need is some comfy pants and a clear spot on the floor.

Doing It Right: Making Smart, Safe, and Satisfying Choices About Sex

Doing It Right: Making Smart, Safe, and Satisfying Choices About Sex by Bronwen Pardes, is one of our favorite starter sex⁠ and relationships education books for preteens or young teens.

Dopo: Abortion Care and Education for All

“Dopo is a community platform redefining what a successful abortion⁠ looks like by centring people and their emotional and physical care before, during and after an abortion. Plus we provide honest, unbiased abortion education for everyone.”


A site that helps families in the U.S and Canada quickly and efficiently find doulas who are available during their due dates. It also offers information to help people get a baseline understanding of each doula’s training, certification, and experience levels.

Euki App

An app that offers sexual⁠ and reproductive health information and tools to track what’s going on with your body in one place AND on a totally private and secure platform. The app is especially for people in the United States, but much of the information is relevant to people all over the world.

From their website, “Euki addresses the needs of anyone who can get pregnant, including queer⁠ people, transgender⁠ people, gender⁠ non-conforming people, people with multiple sex⁠ partners, people with irregular periods, and anyone who may have felt misunderstood or marginalized by the medical system.”

The app offers information on topics like abortion⁠, contraception⁠, miscarriage⁠, and STIs, and draws that information from trusted sources (including Scarleteen)!

Every Body Curious

Every Body Curious is a fun and illuminating web series for young people (and their parents!) that explores the birds and the bees with ease in today’s digital landscape.

It’s a safe setting where leading sex⁠ educators answer real questions from real kids, and open and honest conversations about sexuality, bodies and healthy relationships are encouraged.

“We understand that not every family will interact with this content the same way, and that’s ok. Every Body Curious is for those families interested in evidence-based material to help facilitate these sorts of conversations with their kids.”

Everyone is Gay

A site offering resources, educational information, advice, and digital care packages for queer⁠ and trans folks. It includes a subsection called “My Kid is Gay,” which is aimed at families of queer and trans youth.


Exhale serves people who have abortions, and their partners, friends and family. Exhale respects the cultural, social and religious beliefs of all our callers.

Faith Aloud

A talk-line for those looking for compassionate religious and spiritual support for abortion⁠ and pregnancy⁠ options. Faith Aloud is a subset of All-Optionsexternal link, opens in a new tab.


Families Like Mine

The site launched in 1999 with the mission to decrease isolation for people who have parents who are lesbian⁠, gay⁠, bisexual⁠ or transgender⁠ (LGBT), and bringing voice to the experiences of these families.


FEDUP is a collective of trans+, intersex⁠, and gender⁠ diverse people who believe eating disorders in marginalized communities are social justice⁠ issues.

“Our mission is to make visible, interrupt, and undermine the disproportionately high incidence of eating disorders in trans and gender diverse individuals through radical community healing, recovery institution reform, research, empowerment, and education. “

Feminist Campus

“Since 1997, Feminist Campus has informed and activated young feminists around the very real—and still very real—threats to abortion⁠ access and civil rights posed by right-wing extremists. Today, Feminist Campus creates change at the campus, local, and national levels. They exist to ensure that every college and university campus has a thriving feminist presence, working with students to:

* Launch new feminist organizations on campuses across the country;
* Supplement the work of existing student-led feminist organizations;
* Implement feminist campaigns on campus and in the community;
* Provide educational, organizational, tactical, and leadership support;
* Bring student voices, interests, and issues to the national stage;
* Organize on-the-ground to defeat anti-feminist state legislation; and
* Host conferences and summits to educate and train activists.”

Feminists with Female Sexual Dysfunction

This project began as after this blogger, a self-identifying feminist with vulvodynia, became fed up with the available information about FSD from a feminist perspective! There are relatively few discussions about this topic on the internet, despite the fact that up to 43% of women experience some form of FSD during thier lifetime according to the American Medical Association – and that’s just in the US! I found that what little material there is, while well-meaning, is all too often misinformed or jumps to distressing (or even outright wrong) conclusions.

This blog’s mission statement is: To provide women with FSD, and their partners, a voice on the internet where we can discuss how feminism influences our views of sex⁠, and how our sexuality influence our views of feminism.


FORGE is a national transgender⁠ anti-violence organization offering services to trans, non-binary⁠, and otherwise gender⁠ non-conforming individuals. Resources include referrals to trans-competent therapists, peer listervs, and self-help guides for survivors.

Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation

We know that what people watch on TV or read in their newspaper shapes how they view and treat the gay⁠, lesbian⁠, bisexual⁠ and transgender⁠ people around them. And we have a responsibility to make sure those images foster awareness, understanding and respect.

When media images of our lives are fair, accurate and inclusive, we find ourselves increasingly welcomed into a society that respects difference. When they’re not – when stereotypes and misinformation pollute the well of cultural acceptance – we become vulnerable to anti-gay forces working to create a world in which we do not exist.

Gay & Lesbian Medical Association

GLMA achieves its goals by using medical expertise in professional education, public policy work, patient education and referrals, and the promotion of research.

459 Fulton Street, Suite 107
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 255-4547

Gay-Straight Alliance Network

Through peer support, leadership development, and training, GSA Network supports young people in starting, strengthening, and sustaining GSAs and builds the capacity of GSAs to create safe environments in schools for students to support each other and learn about homophobia⁠ and other oppressions, educate the school community about homophobia, gender identity⁠, and sexual orientation⁠ issues, and ght discrimination, harassment, and violence in schools.

Gender Spectrum: Gender-Inclusive Health Education

Established in 2006, Gender Spectrum emerged as a response to the limited resources and support available for families and educators interacting with gender⁠-expansive children and teens. They began as the first national transgender⁠ parent support group and quickly expanded to offer the first trainings for California elementary and pre-schools transgender & gender-expansive children. One year later in 2007, Gender Spectrum incorporated after creating the first Family Conference for caregivers of gender-diverse children & teens. Today, their work continues to expand nationally and internationally, serving 48 states, DC, and 15 countries.


They recognized the urgent need for comprehensive resources, education, and support for professionals, families, and communities navigating the complexities of gender identity⁠ and expression. Over the years, they have advocated for gender-inclusive policies and practices, worked closely with professionals to enhance their understanding and skills, and empowered families with the knowledge and support they need. 

Girl Thrive

We know that girls and young women heal from sexual⁠ abuse⁠ and this is a web-site designed by Dr. Patti Feuereisen, a psychologist from New York City that brings you real stories from real girls, real information from real experts, web-links, and all kinds of helpful insights into sexual abuse and young women. We are reaching out⁠ to all teen girls and young women who have experienced sexual abuse, or who know someone who is a survivor, or who just want to know the truth about sexual abuse. We invite you to read other girls stories and Dr. Patti’s feedback, we invite you to enlighten us and to let us help you. GirlThrive is also the name for the scholarship fund Dr. Patti inaugurated to help incest⁠ survivors. It is the aim of this fund to assist survivors with college tuition so that they can escape from their molesters, educate by donating Invisible Girls to young women everywhere.


GirlTrek is the largest public health nonprofit for African-American women and girls in the United States. With nearly 100,000 neighborhood walkers, GirlTrek encourages women to use walking as a practical first step to inspire healthy living, families, and communities. As women organize walking teams, they mobilize community members to support monthly advocacy efforts and lead a civil rights-inspired health movement.

1800 Wyoming Ave NW
Floor 2
Washington, DC 20009

Go Ask Alice!

Columbia University’s fantastic online question and answer service about sexuality, relationships and general health.

Guttmacher Institute

The Guttmacher Institute advances sexual⁠ and reproductive health through an interrelated program of social science research, policy analysis and public education designed to generate new ideas, encourage enlightened public debate, promote sound policy and program development and, ultimately, inform individual decision making. The Institute produces a wide range of resources on topics pertaining to sexual and reproductive health, including International Family Planning Perspectives, The Guttmacher Policy Review and Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health.

They have resources both globally and for the U.S. on Abortion, Contraception, HIV & STIs, Pregnancy, and Teens.

120 Wall Street
21st Floor
New York, N.Y. 10005
(800) 355-0244

Hesperian Safe Abortion App

This is an international and multilingual app that guides people through accurate, actionable, and comprehensive information about abortion⁠. Languages in the app includes: English, French, Spanish, Igbo, Kinyarwanda, Luganda, Yoruba, Amharic, Afaan Oromo and Swahili.

How to Recognize the Signs of Emotional Abuse (at Healthline)

You might be familiar with many of the obvious signs of emotional abuse⁠ and manipulation. But when you’re in an abusive situation, it’s easy to miss the subtle early signs that build up to a a persistent undercurrent of abusive behavior. Emotional abuse involves attempts to frighten, control, or isolate you. This type of abuse doesn’t involve physical violence, though it might involve threats of violence directed toward you or your loved ones. It’s characterized by a person’s words, actions, and the consistency of these behaviors. Abuse may start gradually, but it happens again and again.

People of any age or gender⁠ can abuse or experience abuse. And abuse doesn’t just happen in the context of romantic⁠ relationships. The person abusing you could be your spouse or romantic partner⁠ — but they might also be your business partner, parent, caretaker, or even your adult child.

Read Healthline’s excellent guide to learn how to recognize the signs of emotional abuse and get some guidance on what to do next.



Howard Brown

Serves people in Chicago, IL. Howard Brown has designed programs to serve LGBTQA people in a confidential, supportive, and nurturing environment. Howard Brown Health Center is committed to working cooperatively with other community-based organizations serving and contributing to the gay⁠, lesbian⁠, bisexual⁠ and transgender⁠ community.

4025 N. Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60613
(773) 388-1600

Human Anatomy Online

Mousing over the flags on the images gives the reader technical terms and information about each system.

I Need an A

This easy to navigate site will point people to abortion⁠ options in their state. If people live in a state where abortion is inaccessible, the site will point them to other options. It is reliable and regularly updated.

In My Voice: Sexual Self-Advocacy

Thirty people with intellectual and developmental disabilities talk about what sexual⁠ self-advocacy looks like and means to them.


An organization that uses technology to facilitate the safe navigation of people fleeing persecution due to their sexual orientation⁠ or gender identity⁠. This includes a database to help people locate local, safe, and vetted resources.

International Map of Abortion Law

The Center for Reproductive Rights provides this in-depth map of abortion⁠ laws around the world.


Ipas has offices on four continents. They focus on improving health services for women and girls, increasing their access to services, and expanding their sexual⁠ and reproductive rights⁠. They train health workers and conduct research to ensure high-quality, evidence-based care is available. They also partner⁠ with community-based organizations to educate women and their communities on their rights, and advocate for legal abortion⁠ and support local champions for abortion rights.

It's Okay to Peek!

A Cervical/Vaginal Self Exam guide from the feminist women’s health center


Supported by the American Social Health Association, iwannaknow.org is a search function that allows youth to easily search topics of interest to them.  Primarily devoted to preventing the transmission of STIs, there are also topics on puberty⁠, love and relationships, and reproductive information.

PO Box 13827
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
(919) 361-8400

Keep Our Clinics

Independent abortion⁠ clinics provide the majority of abortion care in the U.S. If you want to help people access abortions and keep clinics open, this site helps you find clinics to support.

Kids Health

A resource that promotes positive parenting, coping with communication⁠, mental health issues, pregnancy⁠ and parenting, and dealing with teens.


A resource that offers online counseling, journaling space, and peer to peer resources for young people.

La Leche League

La Leche League is about ‘happy mothers, breastfed babies,’ seeking to provide women with resources and information about breastfeeding, laws and legislation and Leche League leaders in your area.

Learning for Justice

“Learning for Justice seeks to uphold the mission of the Southern Poverty Law Center: to be a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance the human rights of all people.

Our free educational resources—articles, guides, lessons, films, webinars, frameworks and more—help foster shared learning and reflection for educators, young people, caregivers and all community members. Our engagement opportunities—conferences, workshops, and school and community partnerships—provide space where people can harness⁠ collective power and take action.”

LGBT Info to Give to Parents/Families

PFLAG created this fantastic booklet for the families of gays, lesbians and bisexuals which can help a lot to answer questions and address issues that a lot of straight parents and other family members often have.

If you don’t have an in-person ally⁠ in your corner to help you come out⁠ to family, and deal with their reactions, consider this booklet a next best thing.

LGBT Terminology

Ever wonder what “LGBT” means? Or why “queer⁠” can be both an insult and part of the title of a hit TV show? Visit GLAAD’s glossary to find out⁠! It also includes a list of offensive terminology to avoid.

Love is Respect

Love is Respect is the national resource to disrupt and prevent unhealthy relationships and intimate partner⁠ violence by empowering young people through inclusive and equitable education, support, and resources.

Love is Respect offers 24/7 information, support, and advocacy to young people between the ages of 13 and 26 who have questions or concerns about their romantic⁠ relationships. We also provide support to concerned friends and family members, teachers, counselors, and other service providers through the same free and confidential services via phone, text, and live chat.

1-866-331-9474; 1-866-331-8453 TTY

Love is Respect Healthy Relationships Quiz

About loveisrespect.org:

Break the Cycle and the National Dating Abuse Helpline are collaborating to bring you loveisrespect.org. By combining our resources and capacity, we are reaching more people, building more healthy relationships and saving more lives.

We designed loveisrespect.org to:

-Create the ultimate resource fostering healthy dating attitudes and relationships.
-Provide a safe space for young people to access information and help in an environment that is designed specifically for them.
-Ensure confidentiality and trust so young people feel safe and supported—online and off.


Love Your Body! (NOW)

Hollywood and the fashion, cosmetics and diet industries work hard to make each of us believe that our bodies are unacceptable and need constant improvement. Print ads and television commercials reduce us to body parts — lips, legs, breasts — airbrushed and touched up to meet impossible standards. TV shows tell women and teenage girls that cosmetic surgery is good for self-esteem. Is it any wonder that 80% of U.S. women are dissatisfied with their appearance?

Male Survivor

MaleSurvivor is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, public benefit organization committed to preventing, healing, and eliminating all forms of sexual⁠ victimization of boys and men through support, treatment, research, education, advocacy, and activism.

Male, Female, Other

(The article is no longer available at nerve.com, but fortunately is archived on the Wayback Machine.)

Males with Eating Disorders

Map of Parental Involvement Laws in the United States.

A map from the Guttmacher Institute that is regularly updated. It shows what the parent involvement laws in regards to abortion⁠ in each state.

Marie Stopes International

Marie Stopes International is a not-for-profit sexual⁠ and reproductive health organisation that uses modern business methods to achieve the social goal of preventing unintended pregnancies and unwanted births in around countries worldwide.

In the UK, Marie Stopes International has 9 main centres delivering state-of-the art services in abortion⁠, female sterilisation, vasectomy⁠ and health screening. In 2006, Marie Stopes International delivered services to 138,472 clients.

Marie Stopes International has been working in partnership with the NHS for over 20 years, supporting Primary Care Trusts.

In addition to the UK, Marie Stopes International has a further 443 centres, multiple outreach sites and mobile services across 37 countries delivering the same high standard of care and services. As well as abortion, female sterilisation, vasectomy and health screening, Marie Stopes International also offers post abortion care; maternal & child health; STI diagnosis & treatment, and HIV prevention initiatives including condom⁠ distribution and male circumcision⁠.

Providing information and encouraging behaviour change (i.e. HIV awareness) are also an important part of Marie Stopes International’s work, with numerous in-country campaigns taking place each year.

Worldwide in 2006 Marie Stopes International:

* delivered health services to 4.6 million clients
* protected more than 9.86 million couples from unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortion
* provided over 400,000 safe abortions
* distributed more than 125 million condoms and 10 million pill cycles
* safely delivered over 8,000 babies
* launched three new country programmes

Men & Abortion

If your partner⁠ or friend is facing a decision about an unexpected pregnancy⁠, you are probably worried about her. You may be thinking about how the decision could affect you. As she considers parenthood, abortion⁠, or adoption, you may be feeling scared, guilty, sad, shut out⁠, or just plain confused. Even though you may be trying to be strong for her, your own feelings may be quite intense. You may be upset at the idea of losing or continuing the pregnancy. Or, you may be worried about losing your relationship⁠ with her.

Miscarriage + Abortion Hotline

The hotline is staffed by pro-choice healthcare providers. It can be reached by phoneexternal link, opens in a new tab or textexternal link, opens in a new tab and providers can give expert advice on self-managing a miscarriage⁠ or abortion⁠. The services are available 10AM to 10PM in all continental US time zones, and someone will respond within an hour.

The hotline is available in both English and Spanish.


Mothering Magazine

The online companion to the print edition of Mothering magazine, offering natural and organic solutions to parenting issues.  Lots of links and information on activism, pregnancy⁠ and birth, childrearing and more.


“The 4 million members of NARAL Pro-Choice America fight for reproductive freedom for every body. Each day, we organize and mobilize to protect that freedom by fighting for access to abortion⁠ care, birth control⁠, paid parental leave, and protections from pregnancy⁠ discrimination.”

1156 15th Street, NW Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 973-3000

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The mission of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence is to organize for collective power by advancing transformative work, thinking and leadership of communities and individuals working to end the violence in our lives.

NCADV believes violence against women and children results from the use of force or threat to achieve and maintain control over others in intimate relationships, and from societal abuse⁠ of power and domination in the forms of sexism⁠, racism⁠, homophobia⁠, classism⁠, anti-Semitism, able-bodyism, ageism and other oppressions. NCADV recognizes that the abuses of power in society foster battering by perpetuating conditions, which condone violence against women and children. Therefore, it is the mission of NCADV to work for major societal changes necessary to eliminate both personal and societal violence against all women and children.

1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1603
Denver, CO 80203
(303) 839-1852

National HIV and STD Testing Resources

The National HIV and STD Testing Resources Web site (aka HIVtest.cdc.gov and FindSTDtest.org) is a service of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This Web site provides users with locations for HIV and STD testing and STD vaccines around the United States.

(from hivtest.cdc.gov)


National Network of Abortion Funds

The NNAF helps connect women with funds to subsidize the cost of an abortion⁠. Many abortion funds provide information and support, and some provide related services such as transportation, housing, child care, options counseling, or funding for ultrasound, pregnancy⁠ testing, or followup care.

(617) 524 6040

National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network

National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network (NQTTCN) is a healing justice organization committed to transforming mental health for queer⁠ and trans people of color (QTPoC). They work at the intersection of movements for social justice⁠ and the field of mental health to integrate healing justice into both of these spaces. Their overall goal is to increase access to healing justice resources for QTPoC.

New Moon Girls

A magazine made by and for girls, aimed at younger readers.


A comprehensive resource on all things dealing with women’s health and health issues, aimed at women and medical professionals.  While there is lots of technical information, the site offers a wiki, forums and more.

Our Bodies, Ourselves Today

Our Bodies Ourselves Today is building a world-class online platform to provide women, girls, and gender⁠-expansive people with up-to-date, trustworthy, and inclusive information about our health and sexuality.

Our Sexuality, Our Health

A guide written by a disabled author addressing some basic tools, myths, and resources related to sex⁠, dating, and disability.

Out in the Open

A resource dedicated to connecting rural LGBTQ people to build community, visibility, knowledge, and power. They offer a mutal aid network and funds for those living in the Northeastern United States, remote support groups (including yoga and crafting), and a phone tree.

Outsiders Helpline (UK)

It is open 11am to 7pm weekdays. The line is for any questions related to sex⁠ and disability, and is run by sex therapists who specialize in disability.

07770 884 985

Pandora's Project

“Pandora’s Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information, support, and resources to survivors of rape⁠ and sexual⁠ abuse⁠ and their friends and family. We have been devoted to recovery and healing since 1999.

Pandora’s Project offers peer support to anyone who has been a victim of rape, sexual assault⁠, or sexual abuse through our online support group, Pandora’s Aquariumexternal link, opens in a new tab. We believe that connecting with other rape and sexual abuse survivors is an important part of healing. Our online support group includes a message board, chat room, and blogs. It is free to join and is safely moderated by a diverse group of survivors.”

Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

PFLAG promotes the health and well-being of gay⁠, lesbian⁠, bisexual⁠ and transgender⁠ persons, their families and friends through: support, to cope with an adverse society; education, to enlighten an ill-informed public; and advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays provides opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation⁠ and gender identity⁠, and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity.

1726 M Street, NW, Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 467-8180


PERIOD. annually distributes millions of menstrual⁠ products to grassroots organizations serving their communities in need, authors stigma-busting menstrual health curriculum, and equips young leaders to advocate for menstrual equity policies such as the repeal of the tampon⁠ tax and mandating period⁠ products in public places.

PERIOD. was founded in 2014 by Nadya Okamoto and Vincent Forand, two high school students in Portland, Oregon. Since then, the organization has grown to hundreds of volunteer chapters around the nation and world. In 2020, grew in staff capacity and Board governance, hiring a new Executive Director and senior leadership team, including a Youth Advisory Council.

PFLAG's Guide to Being a Straight Ally

(From the pamphlet:)

Straight for Equality is an invitation and opportunity for people who want to stand up for gay⁠, lesbian⁠, bisexual⁠ and transgender⁠ (GLBT) equality but are not sure how. Through education, Straight for Equality will empower straight people in supporting and advocating for GLBT equality in their home, workplace and community. The GLBT community cannot achieve equality without support from smart, energetic,
compassionate, and dedicated straight allies…people just like you. We know that there are lots of barriers that may keep people from getting involved, and that’s why we’re here. This booklet is the first step to getting past them.

Plan C

Plan C provides up-to-date information on how people in the U.S. can access at-home abortion⁠ pill options online.

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte is a Planned Parenthood affiliate that operates more than 30 health centers in mid-California and Northern Nevada, serving over 200,000 patients each year. They provide reproductive, sexual⁠ and gender⁠-affirming healthcare and education.


Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Courses

This resource includes options for in-person or online sex⁠ education, including trainings to be a peer sex educator, educational games, and resources for sex education and disability. While some courses on this page are more traditional toolkits and curricula for schools, many of them are aimed at young people who want to have a say in their sex education and want to learn how to be a peer sex educator in their communities.

Planned Parenthood: PrEP, PEP, & HIV Testing

Up-to-date information about PrEP⁠, PEP, and HIV testing. If you live in California or Nevada Planned Parenthood Mar Monteexternal link, opens in a new tab also offers appointments at any one of their health clinics.

Pleasure Pie

Pleasure Pie is a grassroots sexual⁠ justice organization in Boston, that creates zines, conversations on consent⁠, sexual empowerment and sexual rights.

Boston, MA, USA

Point of Pride

Point of Pride offers an Annual Transgender Surgery Fund,external link, opens in a new tab a Free Chest Binder Donation Programexternal link, opens in a new tab, a Free Trans Femme Shapewear Programexternal link, opens in a new tab, an Electrolysis Financial Support Programexternal link, opens in a new tab, and other community-building support initiatives for trans youth and adults⁠. They offer support to all fifty states and more than fifty countries.

Postpartum Support International

A resource that provides talk-lines, groups, and other supports for parents experiencing postpartum depression or other post-birth struggles. It’s services are available in both English and Spanish.


Pregnancy Options Workbook

This workbook is a free pdf that guides people through all the pregnancy⁠ options.

“We have done our best to give you a realistic picture of all the choices you can make—abortion⁠, adoption, and parenting. You will find exercises to help you make the best decision for you. We have done our best to make this workbook inclusive to all individuals and included information and thoughts on religion and spirituality, fetal development, and what can harm a pregnancy. There is a special section called Taking Care of Yourself which includes information on morning sickness, birth control⁠, protecting your fertility⁠, and healthy sexuality. We have included a section for gender⁠ non-conforming pregnant people, understanding that this can add an additional layer of complexity.”

Pride Counseling

Pride Counseling offers various online or otherwise remote forms of counseling to individuals within the LGBTQA community. Counselors specialize in working with queer⁠ and trans populations, and each individual is matched with a counselor based upon their specific needs.

Qlife (AUS)

Webchat and voice call: 3pm to 12 midnight, every day of the week.

Powered by people Australia wide, talk to an LGBTIQ+ Peer. The QLife family includes hundreds of highly experienced LGBTIQ+ staff and volunteers Australia-wide.

The Qlife service is for LGBTIQA+ identifying people and those who have questions or concerns about LGBTIQA+ issues. We also welcome contact from people who may not be LGBTIQA+ but who want to talk about someone else they care about. This includes families, friends, teachers and co-workers of LGBTIQA+ people.

You are invited to explore any issue including referrals, community connections, thoughts and feelings around sexual orientation⁠ and/or gender identity⁠. All conversations are confidential, anonymous and non-judgmental.

Please note that clinical intervention, therapy and case management are outside the scope of this services.

1800 184 527

Queer Grace

Queer Grace is a curated encyclopedia of information and ideas around the life of LGBTQ+ people and Christian faith. They hope to offer a safe space full of resources for all those navigating their journey in the church.

Queer Kid Stuff (Youtube Series)

An upbeat, educational series for kids about LGBTQA+ identities and issues. Topics include identity⁠, queer⁠ history, and activism.

Rainbow Door (AUS)

Rainbow Door supports people of all ages and identities with issues that may include suicidal thoughts, family and intimate partner⁠ violence (including elder abuse⁠), alcohol and other drugs, relationship⁠ issues, sexual assault⁠, social isolation, mental health and wellbeing.

Through advice, referral and support from an experienced LGBTIQA+ peer, Rainbow Door will help LGBTIQA+ people navigate the system to access the supports they need. Rainbow Door is connected to free multi language interpreter support service including Auslan interpreters.

10am-5pm, 7 days a week. Call. Text. Email.

1800 729 367

Rape Is...

A product of the documentary, “Rape Is…,” this website provides a list of hotlines and support services, organizations resources, readings, listserves, online courses and paper about international human rights activities, or child abuse⁠, or clergy abuse, or campus rape⁠, or the relationship⁠ between rape and sex⁠ trafficking and prostitution, or prison rape, just to name a few of the many categories covered.

Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice

The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) is a broad-based, national, interfaith movement that brings the moral force of religion to protect and advance reproductive health, choice, rights and justice through education, prophetic witness, pastoral presence and advocacy.

Spiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedom (SYRF)
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
1413 K Street, NW
14th Floor
Washington, DC 20005


Reprocare Healthline

An anonymous talkline that provides peer-based emotional support, medical information, and referrals to people having an abortion⁠ at home with pills.

(833) 226-7821

Rock the Vote

Rock the Vote uses music, popular culture and new technologies to engage and incite young people to register and vote in every election. And we give young people the tools to identify, learn about, and take action on the issues that affect their lives, and leverage their power in the political process.

We are creative, effective, and controlled by nobody’s agenda but our own – we tell it like it is and pride ourselves on being a trusted source for information on politics. We empower the 45 million young people in America who want to step up, claim their voice in the political process, and change the way politics is done.

Founded nearly twenty years ago in response to a wave of attacks on freedom of speech and artistic expression, Rock the Vote quickly established itself as the premier organization representing the intersection of young people, politics, and popular culture.

Whether it’s Madonna wrapping herself in the flag for the first Rock the Vote PSA or Snoop Dogg launching our bus tour in 2004, Rock the Vote works with artists who really believe in and promote our mission.

Rock the Vote works with artists to grab the attention of young people, and engage them in building a political movement to fight for young people and the issues that affect their lives. Since its inception, Rock the Vote has run innovative and successful voter registration efforts. Rock the Vote was the first organization to introduce telephone voter registration as well as online voter registration and has run the largest young voter registration drives on record during the past 4 presidential elections registering, then educating and turning out⁠ millions of young voters over the past 18 years.

Today Rock the Vote represents the historic and groundbreaking 18-year intersection of music and politics, reenergized by the recent integration with Young Voter Strategies, a research-based organization that provided grassroots organizations and campaigns with resources and best practices for mobilizing young voters.


Sakhi for South Asian Women exists to represent the South Asian diaspora in a survivor-led movement for gender⁠-justice and to honor the collective and inherent power of all survivors of violence. Sakhi is committed to serving survivors through a combination of efforts including—but not limited to—direct services, advocacy and organizing, technical assistance, and community outreach.


San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI)

If you have a question about sex⁠, they’ll either answer it or refer you to someone who can! They answer sex questions and offer referrals to resources like books, support groups, organizations, doctors, therapists, Web sites, and more. Ask questions by e-mail or by phone on their phone switchboard. SFSI volunteers undergo extensive training in all aspects of human sexuality, including reproduction, birth control⁠, safer sex⁠ practices, HIV, sexual⁠ identity⁠, and gender identity⁠.

(415) 989-SFSI

Sex and U

This is a Canadian website that contains information on a variety of topics like Scarleteen does. It also has resources for adults⁠, parents, teachers and health professionals, as well as videos and games.

Sex Ed for Self-Advocates

A sexuality and sex⁠ education resource written specifically for people on the autism spectrum age 15 and up. It includes nine different sections, each with written and video information. Topics covered include puberty⁠, healthy relationships, sexual⁠ readiness, gender identity⁠, sexual orientation⁠, and safer sex⁠.

Sex Education Collaborative

The Sex Education Collaborative (SEC) is made up of 25 national, regional, and state-based organizations with extensive experience training educators to deliver school-based sex⁠ education. Their goal is to advance K–12 school-based sex education programs across the United States.

Sex Positive Families

Excellent help and resources for healthy parenting about and with sexuality and relationships.

Sex, Etc.

From the “About” section:

Sex, Etc. is on a mission to improve teen sexual⁠ health across the country! Each year, five million young people visit Sexetc.org, and over 45,000 read our national magazine to get honest and accurate sexual health information. We’ve helped teens with answers to their questions about sex⁠, relationships, pregnancy⁠, STDs, birth control⁠, sexual orientation⁠ and more!

Sexetc.org has comprehensive sex ed information including:

-Stories written by teen staff writers and national contributors.
-Opportunities to get involved and make a difference on sexual health issues.
-The Sex, Etc. blog which addresses timely and relevant news.
-Forums where teens can participate in moderated discussions with other teens.
-“Sex in the States,” which is a state-by-state guide to teens’ rights to sex education, birth control and more.
-Videos about sexual health.
-A Sex Terms glossary of almost 400 terms.
-Accessibility on mobile and tablet devices.
-Sex, Etc. is published by Answer, a national organization dedicated to providing and promoting comprehensive sexuality education to young people and the adults⁠ in their lives. Learn how you can support better sex education at the Answer website.

Sexual Education Resources at Respectability

An incredibly diverse and rich list of sex⁠ education resources specifically for or about those with disabilities. In coordination with Couwenhoven, RespectAbility released this lengthy guide featuring resources for sexual⁠ education for children, teenagers and adults⁠ with disabilities, with a focus on those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Sexual Health & Youth with Developmental Disabilities (Multnomah County Health Services)

Guidelines for support and sexual⁠ health education for  young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities via the Sexual Health Equity for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (SHEIDD) project, which works to promote comprehensive sexual health education for youth with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

(503) 988-3030

Sexual Health and Disability Alliance Resource Page

A resource list  on issues relating to sex⁠ and disability, compiled by the UK-based Sexual Health and Disability Alliance.

Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States

SIECUS affirms that sexuality is a fundamental part of being human, one that is worthy of dignity and respect. We advocate for the right of all people to accurate information, comprehensive education about sexuality, and sexual⁠ health services. SIECUS works to create a world that ensures social justice⁠ and sexual rights. SIECUS provides in-depth sexuality study and information, education materials, lobbies for sound public policy, and works with media outreach.

130 West 42nd Street, Suite 350
New York, NY 10036-7802
(212) 819-9770

Share - Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support

Share is an organization that helps people cope with the loss of a pregnancy⁠ or a child.

Share Abortion Pill Info

Created by Shout Your Abortion,  this site is full of information about abortion⁠ pills, where to get information about them, where to get legal help, and other FAQs. It also includes ways to help spread the word about medical abortion access to people who may not know it’s an option.

SHine SA (Sexual Health Information Networking & Education South Australia)

SHine SA provides:

-prevention, promotion and education programs that build the capacity of communities in greatest need
-professional education programs that build the capacity of workers across all sectors
-clinical services targeting communities with health inequalities and poor sexual⁠ health
-therapeutic counselling services targeting individuals unable to afford private providers
-information about sexual health and wellbeing
-resources and library services accessible to workers and the community
-opportunities for partnerships with workers, governments and agencies
-individuals and workers links to relevant services and supports
-leadership and advocacy for sexual health
-opportunities for participation by our communities of interest

They also run a sexual healthline:
Tel: 1300 883 793
Toll free: 1800 188 171 (country callers only)
Monday-Friday, 9am-1pm

East/West team
GP Plus Health Care Centre
64c Woodville Road, Woodville
Postal address: PO Box 76 Woodville SA 5011
Tel: (08) 8300 5300

Northern team
43 Peachey Road, Davoren Park
Postal address: PO Box 719 Davoren Park SA 5113
Tel: (08) 8256 0700

Southern team
19-23 Beach Road, Christies Beach
Postal address: PO Box 330 Christies Beach SA 5165
Tel: (08) 8186 8600
(08) 8300 5300

Sista Midwife Productions

A resource that helps connect pregnant people to black midwives and doulas. It includes a directory to help people locate doulas, midwives, and lactation support.

SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective

SisterSong is a Southern based, national membership organization; their purpose is to build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities.

SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective was formed in 1997 by 16 organizations of women of color from four mini-communities (Native American, African American, Latina, and Asian American) who recognized that they have the right and responsibility to represent ourselves and our communities, and the equally compelling need to advance the perspectives and needs of women of color.

Something Positive for Positive People

An organization and podcast connecting people navigating herpes stigma to support resources including community, tools for sexual⁠ health communication⁠, and therapy.

Straight for Equality


(from the website:)

Straight for Equality is a national outreach and education project created in 2007 by Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) National to empower new straight allies who, unlike a more traditional PFLAG member, don’t necessarily have a family connection to the gay⁠ community.

If you’re one of the roughly 8 in 10 people who can say, “I have a gay friend (or coworker, or acquaintance)” this is the place for you.

Straight for Equality provides information and resources that will help straight allies understand their role in supporting and advocating for gay, lesbian⁠, bisexual⁠ and transgender⁠ (GLBT) people. PFLAG’s work with parents and families over the past 40 years has helped us learn that there is a coming out⁠ process for straight allies. This process requires support and resources if allies want to move from just feeling supportive to actively being supportive. The personal stories of how and why people come to support equality for GLBT people are a significant advantage that straight allies possess, and we’d love to help you learn how to share that story.

We’re not talking about major political protests (although that’s certainly an option) but the tiny everyday changes and conversations that can raise awareness and challenge assumptions and stereotypes about LGBT people. We don’t demand allies to be totally ‘there’ on all issues and you don’t have to know everything about statistics, national legislation, or state-wide ballot initiatives to stand up for equality and fairness. We just ask that you be willing to learn more and speak up when you have the chance.

We’re here to be sure that all straight allies have the opportunity to share their strong and powerful voice in support of equality.

StrongHearts Native Helpline

The StrongHearts Native Helpline is a culturally-appropriate domestic violence and dating violence helpline for Native Americans.

StrongHearts advocates offer the following services at no cost:

  • peer support and advocacy
  • information and education about domestic violence and dating violence
  • personalized safety planning
  • crisis intervention
  • referrals to Native or Tribal-based domestic violence service providers


A TBuddy™ is the friend and support system that every trans masculine⁠ person needs! Whether you are having an amazing day, or you’re feeling down, your TBuddy™ will be there for you. TBuddy sessions are conducted by text, phone call, Skype and in-person. Sessions are 100% free and we can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Technology Safety

Managed by the Safety Net Project at the National Network to End Domestic Violence external link, opens in a new tab(NNEDV), this blog discusses technology, privacy, and safety in the context of intimate partner⁠ violence, sexual assault⁠, and violence against women. It includes resources for survivors or those in unsafe situations to both use technology to protect themselves and to spot when technology is being used as part of the abuse⁠.

Teen Dating Violence


(From the website:)

Everyone deserves a relationship⁠ based on equal love and respect. We have the right to say no to things that make us uncomfortable. We have the right to spend time alone or with other friends. We have the right to choose whether or not we want to stay in a relationship. Dating violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors that are used to control a person in a relationship. Abusive relationships happen when one person doesn’t respect the rights and wished of the other person in that relationship.


The "Rape" of Mr. Smith

What would it sound like if a mugging victim were asked the kinds of questions a rape⁠ victim is?  Check it out⁠.

The African American Roundtable at CLGS (AART)

The African American Roundtable at CLGS (AART) seeks the full inclusion of black lesbian⁠, gay⁠, bisexual⁠, queer⁠ and transgender⁠ people in communities of faith and the mobilization of black communities of faith in support of social justice⁠ for LGBTQ people by fostering dialogue about the intersections between faith, gender⁠ and sexuality among black church and faith leaders (including scholars of religion), among black church congregations, among black LGBTQ persons and between each of these constituencies.

The AART hosts live workshops, symposiums and panel discussions throughout the country, each with the intent to foster healthy dialog in the African American community and in Black Churches.  The goals are: 1) to train clergy and lay leaders in effective communication⁠ skills for the purpose of having open and honest discussion about sexuality and homophobia⁠ in their church or community 2) to offer resources and support in addressing social justice issues related to LGBT matters via the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry 3) to hold events and create ongoing dialog through web based training, social media, blogging and articles.

The American Social Health Association

This is where you will find the facts, the support, and the resources to answer your questions, find referrals, join support groups, and get access to in-depth information about sexually transmitted diseases. You can be assured that the information you find on this Web site is based upon well-researched and documented medical facts and follows approved treatment guidelines as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Audre Lorde Project

The principles guiding the work and development of The Audre Lorde Project as a progressive organiztion seeking social justice⁠ are as follows:

Recognizing the full diversity of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, and Transgender (LGBTST) people of color, and our collective histories of struggle against discrimination and other forms of oppression, the Audre Lorde Project has been established to serve as a home base that LGBTST peoples of African / Black/ Caribbean, Arab, Asian & Pacific Islander, Latina/o, and Native/Indigenous descent can use to organize, support, and advocate for our diverse communites.

As such, ALP seeks to work with LGBTST people of color organizations and communities across differences of race/ethnicity, culture, gender⁠, sexual orientation⁠, age, ability, and life experiences (e.g. class, immigration status, HIV serostatus, health status, etc.) in order to develop and implement culturally specific and effective programs and services reflecting the needs of our communities.

Understanding that services and organizing efforts are most successful when they involve the communities served, ALP is committed to creating and supporting decision-making/ organizational structures that are representative of our communities.

Believing that competent skills and expertise in LGBTST people of color communities exist and are often underutilized, ALP seeks to support and promote the work of existing and emerging LGBTST people of color organizations, as well as the efforts of LGBTST people of color cultural workers and activists.

Understanding the historic role of sexism⁠ that has negatively impacted all of our communities, and recognizing that women’s leadership continues to be de-valued and discouraged in broader LGBTST organizations/communities, ALP strives to use anti-sexist practice while supporting and promoting the active participation, leadership and perspectives of women throughout its structure and work.

Finally, as an organization seeking social and economic justice for all peoples, ALP is committed to promoting multi-racial coalition-building, advocacy and community organizing activities among LGBTST people of color, and with allies in struggles for equality and liberation.

The Blank Noise Project

Blank - that which is not allowed meaning, form or articulation.
Noise - that which heightens, builds itself.

Blank Noise put together are two words that contradict themselves.

We experience eve teasing daily. It is a sexual⁠ violation but we ignore it. At the same time, we structure our lives to avoid the occurrence of it - by ‘dressing decently’, ‘coming back home on time’, etc, thereby making unwanted rules for ourselves and not recognizing ourselves as citizens.

This daily silent experience of street sexual harassment⁠ is what comes closest to the term blank noise. Blank Noise was initiated in August 2003 by Jasmeen Patheja from Bangalore and a small group of 9 participants, all girls.

Blank Noise started off as her final year student project while she was studying for a fine arts diploma at the Srishti School of Art Design and Technology. The project was conceived as a personal reaction to street sexual harassment. Jasmeen started by asking a group of over 60 girls from Srishti to make a mind map with the word public space. In three minutes words such as groping, fear, vulnerable, weak, staring, feeling sick appeared. She proposed the project but only 24 of them responded. The rest felt it was ‘normal’ or that it ‘wasn’t a big deal’, almost as if you expect it and, therefore, accept it.

The immediate denial towards eve teasing as an issue triggered the project. The first phase of the project, throughout 2003, was more reflective with 9 participants and workshops. The second phase has been more public, through street interventions and blogging. To a large extent, the public and the media response have shaped the project.

The Body

The Body is the comprehensive HIV resource with topics on HIV testing, prevention, myths, blood donation, and how HIV works and is treated.  There are galleries, forums and chats for discussions of topics and to get questions answered.

250 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10107

The Body is Not an Apology

The Body Is Not An Apology offers articles, webinars, and other resources that frame bodies and body image⁠ through a lens of radical self-love.

They are, “an international movement committed to cultivating global radical self-love and bodily empowerment. We believe that discrimination, social inequality, and injustice are manifestations of our inability to make peace with the body, our own and others. Through information dissemination, personal and social transformation projects, and community building, The Body Is Not An Apology fosters global, radical, unapologetic self-love, which translates to radical human love and action in service toward a more just, equitable, and compassionate world.”

The Center for Reproductive Rights

Founded in 1992 (as the Center for Reproductive Law and Policy), the Center has defined the course of reproductive rights⁠ law in the United States with significant victories in courts across the country, including two landmark cases in the U.S. Supreme Court: Stenberg v. Carhart (2000) and Ferguson v. City of Charleston (2001). Using international human rights law to advance the reproductive freedom of women, the Center has strengthened reproductive health laws and policies across the globe by working with more than 100 organizations in 45 nations including countries in Africa, Asia, East Central Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean.

120 Wall St.
New York, NY 10005
(917) 637-3600

The Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research

The Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research (CeMCOR) was founded by Dr. Jerilynn C. Prior in May 2002. The Centre studies the physical and psychological causes and effects of ovulation⁠ disturbances on women’s overall health. CeMCOR publishes scientific results and disseminates information directly to women.

CeMCOR is a research centre supported by an international Community Advisory Councilexternal link, opens in a new tab that brings community perspectives and energy to guide priorities. The volunteer members act as a reference group in the development and implementation of research and education projects.

CeMCOR is also supported by a Scientific Advisory Councilexternal link, opens in a new tab of international researchers located in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The Scientific Advisory Council includes endocrinologists, epidemiologists, gynecologists, nutritionists, psychologists and sociologists.

Researchers with the Centre are documenting variations in the menstrual cycle⁠ and ovulation in the context of the lives of women of all ages. CeMCOR is analyzing the relationships of the menstrual cycle and ovulation changes with weight changes, metabolism changes, eating attitudes, breast⁠ maturation, bone physiology, premenstrual experiences and changes in the physiology of exercise, respiration, cardiovascular function and breast density and nodularity.


The Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre
Room 4111 - 4th Floor
2775 Laurel Street,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V5Z 1M9

The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network

The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network strives to assure that each member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation⁠ or gender identity⁠/expression.

90 Broad Street
2nd Floor
New York, New York 10004
(212) 727-0135

The Great Wall of Vagina


(from the website:)

Female genitalia have long been a source of fascination, recently of celebration but generally of confusion. Today it seems that creating images of the vagina⁠ is the sole preserve of pornographers, erotic⁠ artists and feminists. Step in British artist Jamie McCartney who has grasped the nettle to create a monumental wall sculpture all about this most intimate of places. For 400 women their privates have gone public…

Half a decade since its humble beginnings, The Great Wall of Vagina has enticed women from many different countries and all walks of life to volunteer to be cast by McCartney in an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the project.

The 9 metre long polyptych consists of four hundred plaster casts of vulvas, all of them unique, arranged into ten large panels. McCartney set out⁠ to make this project as broad and inclusive as possible. The age range of the women is from 18 to 76. Included are mothers and daughters, identical twins, transgendered men and women as well as a woman pre and post natal and another one pre and post labiaplasty.

It’s not vulgar, it’s vulva⁠!

The LGBT National Help Center

The LGBT National Help Center is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that is dedicated to meeting the needs of the gay⁠, lesbian⁠, bisexual⁠ and transgender⁠ community and those questioning⁠ their sexual orientation⁠ and gender identity⁠. We are an outgrowth of the Gay & Lesbian National Hotline, which began in 1996 and now is a primary program of the LGBT National Help Center.

We offer several different programs including two national hotlines that help members of our community talk about the important issues that they are facing in their lives. We help end the isolation that many people feel, by providing a safe environment on the phone or via the internet to discuss issues that people can’t talk about anywhere else. The LGBT National Help Center also helps other organizations build the infrastructure they need to provide strong support to our community at the local level.

1-888-THE-GLNH (1-888-843-4564)

The Loveland Foundation

The Loveland Foundation was established in 2018 by Rachel Cargle in response to her widely successful birthday wish fundraiser, Therapy for Black Women and Girls. Her enthusiastic social media community raised over $250,000, which made it possible for Black women and girls nationally to receive therapy support. Black women and girls deserve access to healing, and that healing will impact generations.

The Loveland Foundation is the official continuation of this effort to bring opportunity and healing to communities of color, and especially to Black women and girls. Through fellowships, residency programs, listening tours, and more, ultimately they hope to contribute to both the empowerment and the liberation of the communities we serve.

The Native Youth Sexual Health Network (NYSHN)

The Native Youth Sexual Health Network (NYSHN) is an organization by and for Indigenous youth that works within the full spectrum of sexual⁠ and reproductive health, rights, and justice across the United States and Canada.

The reclamation and revitalization of traditional knowledge about people’s fundamental human rights over their bodies and spaces, intersected with present-day realities is fundamental to our work.

We work within the full spectrum of reproductive and sexual health for Indigenous peoples.

What NYSHN Believes in:
Youth empowerment: means that youth are strong, and that youth deserve to be leaders in initiatives that have to do with us.

Sex positivity: means that sex⁠ is not a bad thing – and that we can talk about the good stuff too.

Cultural safety: means we have the right to talk about our culture, our spirituality, and our own communities when we talk about our bodies.

Healthy sexuality: means sex is a natural normal thing for humans to do – but on our own terms. It means we need all the information we can get to know about our sexuality – which is so much more than just having sex.

Reproductive justice: means that our bodies produce life in so many ways other than having children. Things have happened in the past and are still happening now that prevent us from having full autonomy⁠ and rights over own bodies – which is why we need justice.

The Network/La Red

The Network/La Red is a survivor-led, social justice⁠ organization that works to end partner⁠ abuse⁠ in lesbian⁠, gay⁠, bisexual⁠, transgender⁠, SM, polyamorous⁠, and queer⁠ communities. They provide a helpline, support groups, housing help, and other resources. They are a bilingual English/Spanish resource.


The Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre’s Youth Website

This website provides information for survivors, as well as ways to contact local shelters, legal help, and counselors. Most of the information is for residents of the Ottawa, Ontario region, but there is also information for other Canadian provinces.

The Pro-Choice Public Education Project

PEP’s mission is to engage young women on their terms about reproductive freedom, and to develop a generation of young leaders with a new approach to choice. Below are some targeted links to help direct you in your search for information on how to mobilize your community locally, or simply get more involved in pro-choice activism. On these pages you will find targeted factsheets and ‘zines, links to some popular pro-choice blogs and websites, and information on how to intern with your favorite feminist groups.

The tagline “Recognize your strength. Recognize your power. Recognize your potential. Take care of yourself.” speaks directly to the complex realities that many young women of color face today. They worry about HIV/AIDS and their lack of health insurance, demonstrate a fierce self-determination to take control of their lives, and want to start families someday. Using the findings of our “She Speaks” research report, we created these messages and accompanying images as a way to elevate the concerns of young women, and to put their aspirations front and center in the struggle for reproductive freedom.

This campaign focuses around three main issues:

• Our orange “My People” image emphasizes community and the control that a woman has over her own body in relation to the people around her.

• Our blue “Mind. Body. Soul.” image emphasizes maternal health and well being, and higlights motherhood as a positive and inspiring responsibility that many young women look forward to.

• Our green “Keep On Living.” image recognizes that young women see their reproductive health on a spectrum with other concerns such as lack of healthcare, HIV/AIDS and general well-being.

We hope that the Recognize! campaign will increase outreach to young Latino and African American women, and encourage activism on these issues within the broader reproductive rights⁠ movement. In addition, we hope this campaign inspires young women to focus on the things they can control and build a powerful sense of reproductive self-determinationheight=640]

The Resilient Sisterhood Project

The Resilient Sisterhood Project’s mission is to educate and empower women of African descent regarding common but rarely discussed diseases of the reproductive system that disproportionately affect them. They approach these diseases and associated issues through a cultural and social justice⁠ lens, because they believe that poor knowledge of reproductive health is primarily related to health, racial, and socioeconomic disparities.

The Shape of a Mother

A website where people who have given birth of all ages, shapes, sizes and nationalities can share images of their post-pregnancy⁠ bodies so it will no longer be secret; to see what people really look like sans airbrushes and plastic surgery. What if the next generation grows up knowing how normal our bodies are? How truly awesome would that be?

The Society of Family Planning

Research, grants, clinical guidance, community and other support for science-based aspects of family planning, including contraception⁠ and abortion⁠.

The Voices and Faces Project

From the website:

“The Voices and Faces Project is an award-winning non-profit storytelling initiative created to bring the names, faces, and testimonies of survivors of gender⁠-based violence to the attention of the public. Through our educational and advocacy trainings, our survivor story archives (housed at The Voices and Faces Project and World Without Exploitation), and our signature program, The Stories We Tell – an immersive, two-day testimonial writing workshop for survivors of sexual⁠ violence, intimate partner⁠ violence, and trafficking – we seek to change minds, hearts, and public policies through the power of personal testimony.”

(800) 656 - HOPE

Therapy for Black Girls

So often the stigma surrounding mental health issues and therapy prevents Black women from taking the step of seeing a therapist. This space was developed to present mental health topics in a way that feels more accessible and relevant.

Resources on the Therapy for Black Girls site include a guide to seeking therapy and links to their podcast and blog.

They also have a Crisis Text Line – if you are in the US, text “TRIBE” to 741741 to be connected with a chat operative.

Three Dating Apps Are Made for People With Illnesses and Disabilities (at The Mighty)

If you have a chronic illness or disability and want to see if you can find love among other people with similar health challenges, there are a few dating apps to choose from.

Through the Looking Glass

This organization formed as part of the Independent Living movement, and offers information, support, and advocacy services to disabled parents and to families of children with disability and ongoing medical issues. Free online resources include material on the rights of disabled parents, assistive technologies for baby and child care, and education and advocacy for teachers and other professionals who have questions about disabled families.

Trans Family Building

Everyone has a different path to parenthood, filled with medical, legal, and socio-emotional considerations. For transgender⁠, nonbinary⁠, and gender⁠-nonconforming folks, preparing for parenthood includes all the typical planning — What path do we take? How much will it cost? What’s the best stroller, and where can we find a sale? — in addition to navigating questions around hormones⁠, self-advocacy, and more. Family Equality provides resources on general paths to parenthood and the trans-specific resources on this page.

Trans Lifeline

A support hotline run by and for trans people.

US: 877-565-8860 Canada: 877-330-6366

Transgender Law Center

Transgender Law Center (TLC) is the largest national trans-led organization advocating for a world in which all people are free to define themselves and their futures. It offers a variety of supports for trans and gender⁠-nonconforming people looking to navigate legal issues and other challenges related to their gender identity⁠. It has resources on many issues, including name changes, immigration, health, employment, and housing.


A resource built for those who are both autistic and part of the LGBTQ community. Designed to “provide a clearinghouse of information regarding LGBT-ASD social support, the latest news , and research.”

Unbound Babes

Small business that makes and sells body safe vibrators, lubricants, and accessories.

What's My Body Doing? (at YouTube)

A web-series about sexuality, sexual⁠ health, and relationships, hosted by Eva Bloom. The videos are queer⁠ and pleasure-inclusive, evidence-based, and feminist.

Whosoever Magazine

Whosoever Ministries, Inc. exists to create safe and sacred space for gay⁠, lesbian⁠, bisexual⁠ and transgender⁠ Christians by working to build welcoming and inclusive communities of faith both online and in local regions. Understanding that many GLBT people of faith have been spiritually scarred by mainstream church teachings, Whosoever’s ministries provide resources to help GLBT people reclaim their faith, rekindle their relationship⁠ to God through Christ, and grow in their spiritual relationship to God. Whosoever is dedicated to emboldening GLBT people and their straight allies to work for justice and equality within the church and society at large. Whosoever strives to assure GLBT people that they are included in God’s unconditional love and are already justified by their faith and sanctified by grace alone.

Whosoever Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 727
Camden, SC 29021

Women on Web

This is an international online service that helps to connect people with safe, accessible and affordable online abortion⁠ care.

“People who need safe abortion or contraception⁠ can make an online consultation at Women on Web website. After being reviewed by medical doctors, medical abortion pills or contraceptives are provided via mail. Our help desk team accompanies women and pregnant people during all stages of the process and responds to any questions that may arise within 24 hours. Supervised by medical doctors, our help desk operates in 16 languages, including Arabic, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish.”

YTH (Youth Tech Health)

YTH is committed to pursuing emerging, startling, and sometimes, simple technologies that can reach young people where they are.