Pitch in
Looking to help support or become part of Scarleteen? Here’s how to become a donor, volunteer, writer or other freelancer, an active advocate and other roles that help grow, support, or sustain Scarleteen.
We are wholly independent media without state, federal or institutional funding, so the best way for most people to contribute to Scarleteen is to donate!
For the full donation page with options for employer donation-matching click here.external link, opens in a new tab
Want to volunteer at Scarleteen?
Volunteers are an integral part of our team! They help staff our direct services, help with content creation, outreach and decisions about our organization. Our diverse team is from all over the world, and usually work remotely. Want to join us?
Click here to submit an application.
Write for us!
Scarleteen’s quality written content is award-winning and at the heart of how we provide inclusive, original, and progressive sex and relationships education. We work with and value writers of all experience levels and a wide range of identities.
Get started here.
Get the word out
You can help us by doing what you can to make sure that people — especially young people! — know about Scarleteen by following and sharing our social media or sharing what we do with your other networks via email, text or other avenues of communication.
Find links to our socials here.
Give from DAFs
A donor-advised fund is a way to dedicate portions of your wealth to a fund which pays out over time, and continues to donate when you pass away. This can provide you immediate tax benefits on future donations, your charitable giving can become easier, and, because of the forward looking nature of DAFs, you can help sustain us and the work we do long term! A financial planner can tell you more or help you set up a donor-advised fund for Scarleteen or add us to an existing fund or you can email us for more information.
If you already have a DAF you can try using this handy widget: