
Birth Control Bingo


The best method of preventing pregnancy⁠ for anyone is always going to be the method or methods that particular person can use properly and consistently, can afford and access, which fits best with their own life, sexual⁠ interactions or relationships,  health history, needs and concerns, and which – obviously – is also as effective as they want and need it to be. This series walks you through a series of decisions to help you find that method or methods for yourself.

    Articles in this series

    Our giant 25-page guide to birth control options provides in-depth info on contraceptive choices to help you find your BC BFF.

    A page if you’re someone who does not want to take ANY risk, at all, of a pregnancy, and wants to know your options.

    You’re considering a method or practice of pregnancy prevention, and want need to decide if you want to use a hormonal or nonhormonal method.

    If you’re considering a nonhormonal method or practice of pregnancy prevention, and want help deciding which one(s).

    If you’re considering condoms as a birth control method, or already use them and want more information.

    If you’re looking for a barrier method of birth control and want help deciding which one.

    If you’re looking for methods of birth control and trying to decide between Lea’s Shield, the Sponge or spermicide.

    If you’re considering cervical barriers as a birth control method, or already use them and want more information.

    If you’re considering the contraceptive sponge as a birth control method, or already use it and want more information.

    If you want to use a behavioural method or spermicides and need help deciding between them.

    If you’re considering fertility awareness (FAM) as a birth control method, or already use it and want more information.

    If you’re considering spermicides as a birth control method, or already use them and want more information.

    If you’re considering withdrawal (“pulling out”) as a birth control method, or already use it and want more information.

    If you’re considering a hormonal method of birth control, and want help choosing one.

    If you want a hormonal method of contraception, but need help deciding which one.

    If you’re considering emergency contraception – pills or a copper IUD – as a birth control method, or already use it and want more information.

    If you’re looking for methods of birth control and are trying to decide between an implant, the shot or IUD.

    If you’re considering IUDs or IUSs as a birth control method, or already use them and want more information.

    Contraceptive implant research and development began at the Population Council laboratories in New York in 1966. The development of implants was made possible by the discovery of silicone and its bio-compatibility in the human body.

    If you’re considering Depo-Provera as a birth control method, or already use it and want more information.

    If you’re considering minipills as a birth control method, or already use them and want more information.

    If you’re considering the combination pill (the most common form of oral contraceptives) as a birth control method, or already use it and want more information.

    If you’re considering the contraceptive patch as a birth control method, or already use it and want more information.

    If you’re considering the vaginal ring as a birth control method, or already use it and want more information.

    Pregnancy prevention information for someone whose body can co-create a pregnancy, but in whose body itself pregnancy can’t happen.

    You already know that no method of contraception is 100% effective to prevent pregnancy. You probably also know, however, that there are reliable methods which are very effective when used properly, and that if you use contraception correctly and consistently, pregnancy becomes a whole lot less likely. But did you know that by doubling up and using two methods, with almost any combination you use, you can get mighty close to that 100% with most combos?