
Every ongoing interaction is a relationship, and we talk about all kinds of them: friendships, romantic and sexual relationships, relationships at work and at home, at school and out and about in the world. Dating, breakups, shakeups, makeups; situationships, crushes, love-of-your-lifes. From figuring out what kinds of relationships you want, to navigating change or trouble, if it’s about you + someone else, it’s probably here.

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  • Mo Ranyart

First off, in case it helps to hear this: it's all right to want to break up with your boyfriend. You're allowed to end a relationship for any reason, and "I only want to date women, and my partner is now very clearly not a woman" is a perfectly valid one. Sometimes, a person's gender transition...

  • Heather Corinna

A short, fast, sex ed summary about intimacy.

  • Cass Ball

It can feel like the world will end if you haven’t had sex or a sexual or romantic relationship by your mid-twenties. There are countless ways in which our culture puts pressure on young people to gain experience in romantic and sexual relationships. But truthfully, if you don’t have much, or even any, experience with dating and sex, you are not doomed to never experience romantic and sexual connection. The world also will not end.

  • Sam Wall
  • Heather Corinna

A short, fast, sex ed summary about crushes, and some simple dos and don'ts when you have one.

  • Sam Wall
  • Heather Corinna

A short, fast, sex ed summary about the bare basics of healthy relationships.

  • Mo Ranyart

I love this question, because it's something I think doesn't get discussed enough, and while I think the answer is fairly simple, that doesn't mean it's easy. I know the thought of asking someone out can be intimidating even to people who've done it before, so when you haven't had any experience...

  • Lisa Laman

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all process for tackling this issue, but here's a little help from one person with Autism to another, so you can figure out some concrete ways of scaling what can feel like an immense social mountain.

  • Heather Corinna

Are you now or have you ever been floating and gooey or jangly and excited or blissed out or feeling downright tortured or just plain imploding from the giant wave of what even are all these freakishly distracting feelings? There's a song here for that: even if you haven't ever had a crush before you just might wind up feeling like you have one now.

  • Heather Corinna

Whether your friends are your boyfriend, your dog, your best friend from almost the minute you were born, your third cousin, your booty call, your Dad, your guitar teacher, your downstairs neighbor, your brother, your girlfriend, your iguana, your teammates, your band, your Mom, your gaming group, your sister, your cat, your uncle, your cool new friend from work, your lover, your secret crush, your guardian, your gerbil, your stepmom, the kid you mentor, your choir director, your sponsor, your lab partner, your co-author, that cool person you always talk to the whole way home on the bus, your training buddy, the lunch lady, your locker next-door neighbor, or anyone else, this one's for them. And for you, friend.

  • Mo Ranyart

It sounds like this is really stressing you out. Hopefully I can help by answering your first question right off the bat: yes, this is normal. I think you're right that the lack of contact could have been a factor in the cooling of your feelings towards your long-distance partners; that's a common...