
  • Heather Corinna

The most likely possibility is that what you're seeing coming out of your vagina is simply semen: the sexual fluid which carries sperm. The vagina isn't a bottomless pit: it ends with the cervix, the base of the uterus. The opening to the cervix -- called the os -- is incredibly small. It can dilate...

  • Susie Tang

The Papanicolaou test, more easily pronounced "Pap smear," is a test that checks to see whether there are any abnormal growths on your uterine cervix. Your clinician takes a small brush or swab and sweeps a sample off the tip of your cervix. The lab checks the sample to see if there are any abnormal...

  • Susie Tang

It sounds like he's ramming into your cervix. A lot of people with vaginas really don't like that 'cause it can be painful. Look at this diagram from Innies & Outies and notice how the vagina ends at the tip of the cervix. The vagina is only about 4 or 5 inches deep, so if a penis is longer than...

  • Sarah Riley

You can tell your partner that he's incredibly misinformed. You might want to check out my answer to another question about vaginal tightness. But the short answer here is that your partner is woefully confused about sexual anatomy and arousal. The vagina does not permanently change due to inserting...

  • Heather Corinna

Most likely, it's just your cervix. The cervix is the end of your uterus, or the beginning, depending on how you look at it, and the cervix and cervical canal jut into the back of the vagina. When you're not highly aroused (arousal usually will pull the cervix further back), you can usually feel it...

  • Heather Corinna

A lot of questions about how to have intercourse, how to masturbate, and worries about what's all going on down there can be solved by simply getting to know your own body. In fact, I'd gander to say that before you let anyone else get to know it, you'd best know it yourself as well as you know your own face.