At Scarleteen, we’re all about making choices. But sometimes, we see users making choices that are, ultimately, the opposite of the self-care the need in that moment.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Heather Corinna
You cannot become pregnant when you have pants or other kinds of clothing on that covers your genitals. No, seriously, listen up: YOU CANNOT BECOME PREGNANT WHEN YOU HAVE PANTS ON. No, not even JUST you but no one else, because you think you are some kind of one-in-a-million-something-or-other…
- Mary Maxfield Brave
The same disorder that makes me feel so insecure, tense, vulnerable and outright petrified, also convinces me that it’s protecting me from harm. The disorder that terrorizes me persuades me to keep it active, as a security system, even though it is anything but.
- Heather Corinna
If I had an award to give each day for great awareness and forward-thinking about potential partners and relationships, you’d get it today, hands-down. Actually, you should just take it for this whole month. Seriously, this is really sage thinking on your part, and so valid per both of your best…
- Heather Corinna
What are the early symptoms of pregnancy and when do they start to happen? Why are symptoms not the smartest way to tell if you’re pregnant, and how CAN you tell if you are? If you’re losing your mind during a pregnancy scare, and finding symptoms everywhere you look, here’s some on-target information and a dose of comfort to help you separate the real deal from the hype.
- Hollie West
Hi there, You can relax; You’re normal. Ejaculate is usually a relatively small (teaspoon or so) amount of fluid, and generally doesn’t come out with such force that you should feel it. Some women say they CAN feel it, but you’re not abnormal for not being able to feel it, and there is nothing…
- Stephanie
I remember a few years back when a close friend and I decided that we were going to try bungee jumping. I was petrified the entire time that I was being strapped into the gear and in the end decided that I simply couldn’t do it. As I stepped down from the ledge with my friend my body was shaking and…
- Sarah Riley
Well, panic doesn’t really do anybody any good, so I’d advise not spending your time in a panic period. However, based on what you described you do have both a pregnancy risk and an STI risk. Withdrawal (or “pulling out”) is not really a good method of birth control. (Our own founder, Heather, is…
- Hollie West
The closer you take your birth control pill to the ‘normal time’ the better. That said, you do have some flexibility (you have a twelve-hour window before the pill is considered “late”). You don’t sound comfortable using the birth control pill as your sole method of birth control. Have you talked to…
- Sarah Riley
In terms of your current lateness, keep in mind that you won’t have your withdrawl bleed (you don’t have real “periods” when you’re on hormonal birth control because you are not ovulating) at the exact time that you had it before you were on the birth control. Your cycles will probably be around 28…