
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Sarah Riley

Your pills should be fully effective beginning at the start of your new pack. Typically, problems with pills only affect that particular cycle (unless the problem itself carries over into the next pack). So as long as you don’t have any problems during your next cycle, you should be well protected…

  • Sarah Riley

If you are interested in becoming pregnant, the first thing to do is to get to your health care provider and speak with them about it. One of the most important things to do is to make sure that your body is as healthy as possible before trying to conceive (that will go a long way toward your having…

  • Sarah Riley

Sperm are pretty hardy, but they’re not superheroes. It is unlikely that they would survive a move from the inside of your pants unless your hand was literally dripping with pre-ejaculate. If your hands were dry, then it is pretty safe to say that there is not a pregnancy risk from the contact your…

  • Sarah Riley

Unfortunately, it’s pretty difficult to give you exact odds when it comes to your pregnancy risk here. There are so many factors influencing things that it’s really difficult to be precise about it. However, if you are having genital contact without a condom and you are not taking your pill…

  • Sarah Riley

It is important to understand that the each pill in your packet has basically enough hormones for 24 hours. When you’re late or miss one, your hormone levels can drop. So then what ends up happening is that when you take the late (or missed) pill and then take your next one at what is supposed to be…

  • David

Hey Anonymous, On a personal note, when I was growing up I was really, really freaked out about the way I was shaped. Enough so that I was almost panicky the first time anyone else saw it! It turned out I was way more worried than I needed to be. Turns out that normal erections bend in all different…

  • Heather Corinna

It’s a pretty mixed message to tell someone they’re perfect, then tell them that you’re only interested in engaging in a certain sexual activity with them if they look a certain way per your liking (shaved, unshaved, what have you). Sex with partners shouldn’t have entry requirements based on what a…

  • Heather Corinna

Overall, body size doesn’t influence penis size. In other words, plenty of tall men have average-sized penises, like you, and plenty of short men have larger-than-average sized penises. Same goes for weight: penis size isn’t influenced by body mass, either. At the age of 20, it’s pretty likely that…

  • Heather Corinna

Want to know what to expect at your first gynecologists’ or reproductive health exam? We’ve got the lowdown for you here.