
  • Hannah Boning

What is sexual sin anyway? Impurity Culture's Hannah Boning offers her unique perspective on the bible, sin, and sexuality.

  • Heather Corinna

No matter what you call it, masturbation is one of the few things that almost everyone does, has done or will do. Here are some of the basic things to know.

  • Andrew Gurza

When your disabled body decides to literally crap out on you, how do you bring sexy back?

  • s.e. smith

Sex isn't a tit-for-tat experience, but communicating can help you build a mutually pleasurable and fun sex life.

  • Finn Black

About one in five people in the United States over age 12 — approximately 45 million individuals — are infected with HSV-II, the virus that causes genital herpes. Around 50-80 percent of the adult population has oral herpes, which most people contract through nonsexual contact in childhood.

  • Heather Corinna

What is sexual media, how might we think wisely about it, and how can we figure out how to feel and what choices to make with it?

  • Hannah Boning

It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into what you want from a romantic and sexual relationship, and that’s great! It’s always good to spend some time figuring out what you want and need before you start a relationship. By knowing yourself and your boundaries, you’ve got a solid foundation for...

  • Liz Duck-Chong

You may have heard that gender is between our ears and sex is between our legs, but is it? And if not, what is it, and why is it so important to people? Let's find out.

  • Ben

Ben shares the moments and realizations that helped him understand his sexual orientation.

  • Sam Wall

DebbieK's question continued: I was (and still am) a virgin and I had never done sex of any kind (oral, anal, etc.) but I had been a sexual person since I was a kid. I masturbated all the time when I was younger because it felt good but I didn't associate it with sex until I was around 13. This...