
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Al Washburn

The women of Wakanda both deal with and triumph over sexism. How can we apply Black Panther to our own lives?

  • Samantha Benac
  • Heather Corinna

What is it? Why would – or wouldn’t – you want it? What makes it more likely to be a blast or a bummer?

  • Heather Corinna

I think this is a really great question, and I admire how honestly you’ve asked something that leaves people feeling so vulnerable. It’s something we’ve had others bring up or ask about over the years, so it’s definitely relevant to more people than just yourself. And that includes people who did…

  • Johanna Schorn

morphobutterfly’s question continued: I’ve finally found myself in a place where I feel a lot more comfortable with myself, men & sex, & I felt ready to sleep with someone. I didn’t have any love & rose-petal fantasies in mind; on the contrary, I felt that I wanted to do it without the drama of any…

  • Heather Corinna

Before I say anything else, let me just say that I’m so sorry you had to have this experience. Sadly, very few women who have had even the smallest measure of sexual experience will go through life without at least one person responding like this, but it’s particularly painful when the person saying…