
  • Stephanie

It’s normal for a woman’s body to respond to anything she finds pleasurable, and every woman's body responds in similar yet different ways. What you’re really talking about here is arousal. What we know about sexual response is that there is a basic cycle – generally referred to as the sexual...

  • Carly Dreyfus

In American society we often grow up with baseball as THE metaphor to describe sex. Let’s deconstruct the baseball model, uncover its many flaws, and take a look at an alternative which is a whole lot better, even if it might make you a little hungry.

  • Lena

For starters, congratulations for seeking treatment and starting on your road to recovery. You deserve major recognition for that; it's not easy but taking those first steps are so important, if hard, and I'm really proud of you! My quick answer to your two questions is that you are definitely not...

  • Heather Corinna

Breakups sure can suck. But you can get through them, and come out on the other side okay. Find out what can make that easier, what can make them harder, and some ways to help yourself with so you can deal, heal and get back to the business of being your kickass self.

  • Heather Corinna

I'm so sorry that was your almost-first-time sexual experience. If it's any consolation, you're hardly alone: a whole lot of people have had this kind of experience with sex and a parent. Ultimately, I'd say your biggest issue right now is earning your mother's trust back, not finding a way to have...

  • Heather Corinna

(Woah's question continued) Even though I am on the pill and he washes his hands before hand, he almost has a panic attack every time that he fingers me. Also, every time that I feel the least bit icky and say anything about it he makes me promise him over and over that I’m not pregnant. I think...

  • Stephanie

While getting an erection when it’s not necessarily wanted is not something you hope will happen, I can assure you that it’s completely normal. What you’re describing here is something referred to as reflex erection. Young people with penises have reflex erections during any time of the day or night...

  • Heather Corinna

A lot of people are worried, anxious or nervous about sex, whether they are 15, 24 or 44. It's not just you, really. Given how many people in the world have conflicting feelings about sex and sexuality, I'd disagree that the concerns you're having are not normal at your age or any other. You say a...

  • Heather Corinna

Some of what you're describing is what plenty of people who identify as asexual describe. Many asexual people report that it's not a matter for them of not having sexual feelings, but instead, a matter of lacking any motivation to pursue those feelings actively with sexual partners, and also for...

  • Stephanie

While it would be nice sometimes to have a fact sheet that listed everything every person enjoyed with sex – after a while it would become boring to have all the answers and the fun of discovery with partners would no longer be present. That said, I can’t tell you what position would be best for you...