
  • Stephanie

Everyone will have a time in their life when they are embarrassed for someone “catching” them doing something. You can rest assured that you and your boyfriend are not the only people to have a parent walk in on you during sex. Let’s take a moment first and consider timing. Sex of any kind is...

  • CJ Turett

To answer your question, I find myself wanting to give a little bit of background information and talk about the language I’m going to use, just so we’re all on the same page and you can best understand where I’m coming from! Hopefully you can bear with me for a minute while we talk about that, and...

  • CJ Turett

Sara continues: ...At first I was reading all sorts of tantra books and preparing myself for wonderful sexual experiences, but then the guys around me started taking advantage of my blossoming sexuality, and my first mostly committed relationship was to a guy who told me years later that he had been...

  • CJ Turett

Anonymous' question continued At the moment, I didn't think much about how it will affect us. I just let him and he did it for a very long time. It was almost about a full half-hour when I came. He swallowed and everything. And then it hits me that my BEST FRIEND just gave me a blowjob. He went to...

  • Heather Corinna

Delilah: what you're describing is most likely a completely normal physiological response to being sexually aroused. Part of female sexual arousal, much like erection for men, is swelling of the genital tissues due to blood pooling in the pelvis: the clitoris (both externally as well as internally)...

  • Heather Corinna

You already know that no method of contraception is 100% effective to prevent pregnancy. You probably also know, however, that there are reliable methods which are very effective when used properly, and that if you use contraception correctly and consistently, pregnancy becomes a whole lot less likely. But did you know that by doubling up and using two methods, with almost any combination you use, you can get mighty close to that 100% with most combos?

  • Heather Corinna

There is no one way to do things when it comes to sex which will guarantee that a partner sticks around or does not. There also is not any one way men feel or behave when it comes to sex and relationships, nor any one way women do. Generalizations about these kinds of things are very infrequently...

  • Sarah Riley

Without some In order for a pregnancy to occur, the first thing you need is a sperm and an egg. Individuals who have ovaries are going to be able to provide the ovum (or egg) while individuals who have testes are going to provide the sperm. So if you have two individuals who have ovaries...

  • Sarah Riley

Vaginal dryness can have lots of different causes. Especially if you're having dryness all the time (even when you're not aroused or sexually active as well), you'll want to first check out the other things going on in your life and see if there's a cause there. Some medications and certain...

  • Heather Corinna

Travis, it sounds like you do already seem to have a pretty good idea of what her concerns are, and it sounds like you're doing a great job in trying to be sure that whatever you do is something you both can feel good about. In other words, I think you need my help less than you probably think that...