We encourage parents and guardians to have honest, supportive conversations with young people about sex and relationships. Because we know that can sometimes be intimidating, we’re always on the lookout for resources to help with the trickier parts of those interactions, which is why we were excited to read the recently released Sex Education for Boys: A Parent’s Guide: Practical Advice on Puberty, Sex, and Relationships by Scott Todnem. Scott chatted with us about how the book came to be, how to model positive masculinity, and the different challenges that come with raising boys.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Sam Wall
- Jaclyn Friedman
You sound like such a thoughtful parent AND educator. I’m so glad you wrote in! I’ve got lots of practical advice for you, but before I get to it, I hope you’ll have patience while I talk a bit about a couple of crucial ideas embedded in your question. First, thank you for knowing that EVERYONE…
- Chanté Thurmond
Hey, hey, hey, it’s Chanté, back this week to continue the convo about sexuality and intersectionality. This week, I want to revisit a little basic terminology I brought up last time. Sexuality and intersectionality are my jam. Why? Well, because I’m someone who identifies as so many things that…
- Heather Corinna
- Sam Wall
In this series we pass on our insight including what we observe and learn from working with young people to parents, guardians and other supportive adults.
- Heather Corinna
Many people feel they’d like to reproduce, parent, or both in their lives. I wouldn’t say either of those things – that it’s “slutty” or “weird” – are true about these feelings and desires, whatever your age. I’d say the feelings you’re having are some of the most common human wants there are, and…
- Alice Bacon
I was in an abusive relationship. Here’s what finally got me to leave and the story of my journey in getting myself, my child and my heart and head out for good.
- Heather Corinna
One of the biggest facets of a healthy sex life with someone is being sure that we respect when they do NOT want to have sex, and that they do the same with us. Healthy sex has a whole lot to do with both partners only having sex when that is what each truly wants to be doing. When it comes to…
- Heather Corinna
There are a few possibilities. • Maybe she is on the pill, but either doesn’t know how to use it properly, or hasn’t been using it properly, such as by missing pills, confusing active pills for placebos, or had an interaction with her pill and another medication, like an antibiotic. • Maybe you’re…
- Heather Corinna
All I can do is to strongly encourage you not to deceive anyone into becoming a parent. Would you want someone to trick you into pregnancy or parenting? Given, it’s you who would become pregnant and give birth, not a guy, but manipulating someone into the position of creating a pregnancy when they…
- Heather Corinna
Elydia: I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this with so little support. Being pregnant can be scary enough for anyone, even when it’s wanted, but it’s even more overwhelming when you’re going it alone. First of all, understand that NO ONE can force you to abort, or make your reproductive…