Everyone has a different path to parenthood, filled with medical, legal, and socio-emotional considerations. For transgender (transgender: Describes people who find that the gender applied to them because of the sex they were assigned at birth is incorrect.) , nonbinary (nonbinary: A gender identity that is outside the gender binary. Enby is the phonetic spelling of “NB,” and is a shorthand word for nonbinary.) , and gender (gender: Characteristics that are seen or presented as distinguishing between male and female in a society. Gender may or may not include assigned or chosen: social roles, feelings, behaviors and/or presentation or appearance.) -nonconforming folks, preparing for parenthood includes all the typical planning — What path do we take? How much will it cost? What’s the best stroller, and where can we find a sale? — in addition to navigating questions around hormones (hormones: Chemicals – via our endocrine system – that send messages across our bodies and brains. They both naturally exist and can also be made in a lab.) , self-advocacy, and more. Family Equality provides resources on general paths to parenthood and the trans-specific resources on this page.