
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Adam England

If you’re used to only dating women or girls and nonbinary people and only being in straight-passing relationships, it can feel daunting to think about dating guys.

  • Adam England

If you’re bisexual, you might have dealt with or presently be dealing with internalized biphobia. The good news is there are ways to manage and cope with it.

  • Adam England

When you’re growing up a bisexual guy, how can you come out or otherwise talk to your friends – be they straight or queer – about your sexuality?

  • Alice Rona

I experienced bisexual erasure when I was a teenager. The first crushes I remember having were on boys, but I’ll never forget the first time I met a girl and felt weak in the knees. I was thirteen years old. A year later I heard the term bisexual for the first time and felt like it described me.

  • Adam England

If you’re a bisexual guy and you haven’t been with other guys yet, the idea might seem a little daunting, for a number of reasons. The reality doesn’t have to be so tricky, however, despite the worries you might have.

  • Adam England

Even when you’re with a supportive partner, coming out as a bisexual guy to a girlfriend or another kind of woman partner isn’t always easy and might feel awfully intimidating. Adam England has some support, help and solidarity to spare.

  • Heather Corinna

Hi there, Lilly. I think I can help you with this. First, I want to assuage some of your fears. Just because your young siblings are having a hard time understanding this doesn’t mean the whole of the LGBTQ+ community does or will. For sure, biphobia is, unfortunately, still alive and well in plenty…

  • Mo Ranyart

First off, I’m so glad that your family has shown you so much support. Everyone deserves to have loving support from friends and family if and when they choose to come out to them, and it’s great that your family’s standing behind you right now. Their acceptance and support of your bisexuality is a…

  • Adam England

When you identify as queer but enter into relationships with heterosexual people, or those with of a different gender to your own, it can feel odd to consolidate these two parts of your identity. You’re not straight, but society can perceive you that way – where do you fit in, exactly?

  • Mo Ranyart

I can’t definitively say whether you’re bisexual or not, because your own sexual orientation is something only you can know for sure. But I can throw out some thoughts and ideas that might make it easier for you to come to more of an understanding about yourself and your orientation. A great first…