
  • Heather Corinna

Good question! I wish I had an answer to give you as succinct and simple as your question. The answer is that it depends. Many countries have age of consent (AOC) laws that are federal, or the same throughout a whole nation, so it just depends then on what country you're in. If you're not in one of...

  • Heather Corinna

I don't know what "just being a guy" means. I'm not messing with you, it's just that boys and men, like girls, women and everyone else, vary so much. There's just no one way guys are or behave. For sure, if he identifies as a guy, he's going to be a guy no matter what, but who that guy is and what...

  • Heather Corinna

There is no one, unilateral stance on feminism and BDSM, whether someone is being dominant or submissive; whether women have partners who are men, women, both or neither. For decades, there has been a lot of feminist conversation around it and other aspects of sex with a lot of varied opinion...

  • Heather Corinna

When we have any kind of trauma, we don't tend to heal by blocking it out. Of course, we generally cannot simply "block out" memories by sheer force of will in the first place. But it's certainly common to wish we could. By all means, you had extremely poor care at the hospital -- I hate even...

  • Heather Corinna

I think it might help if you made some adjustments to the way you think about intercourse and sex as a whole. You use the word penetration, and talk about what you're doing as stabbing or a kind of invasion. I also hear you saying that sex is something you are doing to your partner or on your...

  • Heather Corinna

RespectIsSexy's question continued We share a room, and often if I walk in unannounced I'll find her seemingly lying on the bed doing absolutely nothing, looking irritatedly at me - the exact position I can be found in if interrupted masturbating. In light of this, I really think it's necessary that...

  • Kelly Addington

It was my personal mission to break the silence, not just for myself but for others who were not yet ready to speak. I wanted to share my story with whoever was willing to listen in hopes of making a difference in someone’s life. Look out world; I am on a mission to end sexual violence!

  • Heather Corinna

(CMH's question continued) He likes petite girls, as do most guys. I am tall (for a woman) and big. I weigh over 200 pounds, though I carry it well. I do not have a pretty face, though I would not call it ugly. It is also not particularly interesting. He told me that even though I have a good...

  • Heather Corinna

Kasey: before I say anything else, let me just say that I'm very sorry this all went down this way for you. You holding back tears while continuing to give someone oral sex (which disturbs me), your husband having intercourse with someone else and you feeling unable to say anything, your feelings of...

  • Heather Corinna

There's no reason why I, or anyone else, should try to talk you into doing a sexual activity you don't have any interest in doing. Coercing someone into doing something sexual they don't want to is an abuse, and in many cases, also falls under definitions of rape, and for good reason. What motivates...