Consent Culture

Our world has long enabled abuse: in nearly all communities, there are cultural tenets that give abusers cover and blame victims.  But we also have a rising culture of consent. Here’s information to help us all keep creating a better world that enables consent and care, supports victims and survivors and stands against abuse.

Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Julia Métraux

As long as rape culture exists, it may be impossible to create perfect survivor-focused policies. However, unlike with Title IX, Canada should create federal policies that prioritize on making sure campus is a safer place for survivors, rather than questioning their experiences.

  • Raechel Anne Jolie

Ready to take #MeToo to the next level?

  • Sam Wall

We’re some of consent’s biggest fans around here, so we’re thrilled to have gotten a chance to interview Kitty Stryker about the new anthology she spearheaded, Ask: Building Consent Culture.

  • Sam Wall

I am tired of disbelief. I am tired of skepticism. I am someone who does, genuinely, believe in the value of looking at things with a critical eye, of being cautious, of acknowledging that there are two sides to every story. But I am tired of it when it comes to people who have been, or are being…

  • Karyn Fulcher

Anarchofemme’s question continued: So, to get to the point, do you know of any strategies feminist groups have used to make issues of sexual violence more accessible to those not already familiar with them? Would it help to focus on issues of gender and bring sexual violence in later as part of the…

  • Heather Corinna

Annie’s question continued: What I would like to do is approach administration about implementing a sexual assault awareness session for all students at the beginning of the year and I am anticipating resistance. So, my question is, what is the best way to go about doing this? I would also like to…


(Part of How You Guys - That’s Right, You GUYS – Can Prevent Rape, and continued from How can men know if someone is giving consent or not?) What more can we do to stop rape? There is a lot more all of us can do to help disengage our rape culture beyond not raping someone else. Since again, most…


(Part of How You Guys - That’s Right, You GUYS – Can Prevent Rape, and continued from What is Rape & What Is It Like to Be Raped?) The vast majority of people who rape are and have always been male. That does not mean that most men are rapists. While many women will be raped, the majority will not…

  • Heather Corinna

Rape is often framed as about women, but it’s not. Something done TO us really isn’t about us. It’s the things that we choose to do which are about us, which is why it’s such an error for rape to be framed as a women’s issue or about women: it’s almost always a men’s issue and really about men. Find out what men need to know about rape and rapists, what you can do to be sure you have consent with sex, other ways to help with rape prevention, and why your help is so important.