
  • Heather Corinna

I'm most interested in how you feel now about this, and separate from how you think everyone else would feel. Hopefully, if you haven't identified your own feelings yet, my answer can give you some help doing that. So, values. Here's the thing about values: they aren't universal. They also aren't...

  • Heather Corinna

I wish that I knew more about your relationship and your boyfriend than just this particular conflict. It'd also help to know what a word like "slutty" even means to him. After all, slut is one of those words that's a lot like the word god: what it means to one person can be radically different than...

  • Heather Corinna

You know, anytime anyone says or feels that they literally hate someone's body or body parts, my advice is going to be that it isn't a good idea for the person with those feelings to be intimate with the person with that body. If we deeply disdain someone's body parts, or anything big like that...

  • Heather Corinna

Although I think of myself as South Asian, I was born overseas and have always lived in a Western country. Our family still carries many of our traditional values from back home and we have a large community here. I came out to my parents around 3 years after having my own realizations. The impetus for this was that they had started to look for marriage partners for me.

  • James Elliott

Meyli's question continued: Last night, he went out with a couple guy friends, and they went to a fastfood place for dinner. One of the workers, a middle-aged man, touched him (can I say he grabbed his ass?) innapropriately. He was really freaked out by that, obviously anyone would be. It was a...

  • Heather Corinna

My family is supportive of my life, as long as they get to ignore the queer part. I know they can't handle it so I don't talk about it with them. As for my community of colour, the only one I've ever really been a part of is my mom's church family, and I know they wouldn't be able to handle it either.

  • Heather Corinna

What's it mean to be questioning, why would you or someone else identify that way, how do you deal in the process and how might you answer the question?

  • Heather Corinna

Maybe you know what safer sex is. But do you also know what it isn't? Take a minute and fact-check your ideas about what can protect you from STIs and what cannot.

  • Heather Corinna

Let's say I decide I want to learn to bake bread, so I decided to try and make bread every day. But what if in doing that, every day I had the oven set at the wrong temperature, was using the wrong measuring tools for my ingredients or kept using yeast which wasn't active anymore? I could keep doing...

  • Heather Corinna

You probably hear the term "healthy relationship" a lot. But what does that mean, and how do you create -- and keep building -- one of those?