
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Kelli Dunham RN BSN

Lilly writes in to ask about any health, safety or long-term risks of using water in the shower for masturbation.

  • Siân Jones

Hi there! It sounds like you’re describing a build-up of smegma* - that’s dead skin cells mixed with oils and fluids produced by your genitals. The good news is that this is totally normal! Vulvas and penises alike can produce it. Regular, gentle washing should be enough to manage it. The clitoral…

  • Heather Corinna

Before I say anything else, I know the answer to every question related to sex with an “Is it normal?” in it is something you’re supposed to answer yes to, and if you don’t, it can be perceived as not being nice or trying to hurt someone’s feelings. But please understand that “normal” isn’t a word I…

  • Robin Mandell

First and foremost, no matter what we call it, if masturbation (or any other activity, for that matter) feels pleasurable, that’s the most important thing. Regardless of the names we give things to put them in categories, our bodies are so unique in the way they work that these tidy little…

  • Heather Corinna

Well, I don’t think vaginas or vulvas (or penises or anuses or mouths or ears or eyes or fingers or kidneys: any body parts) are gross. I think they’re really freaking cool and totally fascinating, whether I’m talking or thinking about my own, or all vulvas or vaginas. But you’re making quite clear…

  • Robin Mandell

This doesn’t sound weird to me at all. Many of us have grown up getting a lot of direct and indirect messages that our own sexuality is the one thing we’re all just supposed to know how to do. We see variants of this question a lot, and I’d venture to say that there are many, many more people who…

  • Heather Corinna

Usually sexual anatomy is taught through the lens of reproduction, so it’s only about penises and vaginas, testes and uteri. Seen through the lens of of pleasure, sexual anatomy looks different.

  • Anna Knöfel Magnusson/RSFU

The mythical status of the hymen has caused far too much harm for far too long. RFSU shares their fantastic information booklet intended to dispel some of the myths surrounding the hymen and virginity, including a new, improved term for that anatomy, the vaginal corona.

  • Heather Corinna

If you are obsessively scrubbing and scrubbing like Lady Macbeth, that in and of itself may be a big part of this issue. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ. It’s also an organ that doesn’t tend to respond well to soaps, douches, and other cleansing agents, because those things can knock off the…

  • Heather Corinna

Freaking out because you think something must be wrong with your labia? Think again!