
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Lane Lewis

Thinking about trying low-dose testosterone therapy? Lane Lewis gives you the scoop on what that means, some options, making the decision, and working through your feelings throughout.

  • Liz Duck-Chong

What do trans people mean when they talk about “passing privilege”? And is it always a privilege?

  • s.e. smith

Am I trans enough? It’s probably one of the most pervasive questions for trans and otherwise gender nonconforming people, and if you think you’re the first one to have had it cross your mind, I’m sorry to say that you’re not. Nearly every transgender person has experienced self-doubt, and for some, it is an ongoing struggle. The short answer to this question is: Yes. You are.

  • s.e. smith

They call it “feminization surgery,” but that’s a bit of a misnomer. More accurately described, it tends to make the features of the face finer and more delicate, and people of any gender can have delicate features.

  • s.e. smith

In vaginoplasty, which may require multiple surgeries, depending on the surgeon’s preference and your case, your existing genital tissue is creatively recycled into a vagina, set of labia, and a clitoris.

  • s.e. smith

If you’re equipped with a clit and some labia and you’d like a penis (with or without testicles), you’re looking at either a phalloplasty or metoidioplasty. The procedures have different advantages and disadvantages that you’ll want to consider before making a decision.

  • s.e. smith

In this procedure, the surgeon removes the testicles with or without the scrotum. This procedure stops the production of testosterone, which allows patients to adjust their doses of anti-androgens and estrogen.

  • s.e. smith

If you’ve got a uterus and you don’t want one, you’ll be spending some personal time with a gynecological surgeon.

  • s.e. smith

Fun fact: While top surgery is often described as a “mastectomy,” that’s actually usually inaccurate. Many surgeons perform a “subtotal mastectomy,” which involves removing most, but not all, of the breast tissue. This prevents a sunken or fallen appearance after surgery, and makes it look like you have a sweet set of pecs (if you aren’t already sporting them).

  • s.e. smith

If you’re a little older, or you feel confident and ready to transition after being on blockers and your doctor thinks it’s reasonable to do so, you may start taking estrogen and an androgen blocker if your body would otherwise naturally produce testosterone. You may hear estrogen referred to as a “feminizing hormone” or “female hormone,” which is a term I dislike because you may not necessarily be taking it to achieve a “feminine” body if you’re nonbinary or otherwise gender nonconforming, and lots of people who aren’t women produce estrogen naturally. You can just call it estrogen!