
  • Bex Shea

Soap truly has no gender, but the personal care aisle can still be a scary place. Let us help you out!

  • Al Washburn

What's the difference between reproductive rights and reproductive justice? What's "biopower"? How do I defend my community's reproductive autonomy?

  • Gerbil

Gerbil shares how gender transition set him on the path to a new understanding of his sexual orientation.

  • Riley Johnson

Riley shares how their own understanding of their identity is still in progress.

  • Mo Ranyart

Mo shares their own journey in understanding their sexual orientation, including how a certain cult classic brought them clarity.

  • Jack Ralls

Jack talks about the process of figuring out their queer identity.

  • Al Washburn

We explore the dark history of the foundations of surgical gynecology and its "father", J. Marion Sims, inventor of the vaginal speculum, who performed experiments on enslaved women without anaesthesia in the mid-1800's, and learn about the ways in which the legacy of racism and sexualization towards black folks has persisted and developed to have a measurable effect on health outcomes.

  • s.e. smith

Hello! You're dealing with a situation that's very familiar for many teenagers (and ex-teenagers like myself): You're growing into your body're not sure how you feel about it. But just because this is a common stage of human development doesn't mean you need to sit in silence, and I'm so...

  • s.e. smith

Whether you’re transgender or otherwise gender nonconforming, you may be thinking about the options when it comes to surgical transition, either now or in the future — and if you're under 18, “future” may be the operative (so to speak) word. While you may not be thinking about surgery for quite a while, it helps to be informed so that you can start thinking about your options and the decisions ahead.

  • s.e. smith

So you’re ready to start talking openly about your gender, and you want to come out of the shadows and live as yourself. Coming out stories are as diverse as gender itself and you have a whole lot of options in front of you, depending on the level of support you anticipate from friends, family, school, and the world at large.