
  • Mo Ranyart

The good news is that there's no secret to bringing up unconventional sex acts with a partner; the same basic communication skills that are needed to talk about any other kinds of sex are what's needed here. The bad news is...well, that there's no secret to it! The simple answer to your question is...

  • Raechel Anne Jolie

Ready to take #MeToo to the next level?

  • Heather Corinna

I want to first reassure you that I'm sure you're not doing anything wrong, and that this isn't about something being wrong with you. That includes whatever level of desire — or frequency of desire — you find you have for sex in general or with a partner. I also don’t think this is probably just...

  • Al Washburn

What would it take to end sexual violence? We ponder that question today, while thinking about the wise words of disability/sexual violence advocate Mia Mingus, whose interview discusses the #metoo movement and how intersectionality and transformative justice comprise the basis of her activism (and why yours should too!).

  • Jacob Mirzaian

Welcome to the wonderful world of being a bisexual queer and feeling weird about it! This often means spending our lives moving in and out of environments that are supportive and unsupportive to varying degrees and coming into contact with stereotypes which other people hold in their minds, our own...

  • Heather Corinna

No, you should not have to be romantically and sexually interested in a guy to have sex with them. And no, what you want isn’t bad. It is absolutely okay to have an interest in being sexual with others but not romantic; to want sexual interactions or relationships but not romantic ones. You sound...

  • Sam Wall

It's not surprising that this situation has you confused. It feels straight out of a romantic comedy, and when you take the plot of a romantic comedy and plop it into the real world it tends to feel much less humorous and more like someone stuck your head and heart in a blender and hit the "on"...

  • Heather Corinna

The idea that women who sexually express themselves in any number of ways -- like something as simple as expressing sexual desires to a partner through words, be it in speech or text -- are sluts, people without or with less value or only sexual value, "bad" women or any of the other crappy things...

  • Mo Ranyart

Unchained's question continued: Around the beginning of this year, I was walking to the bus stop after college and when I was waiting for the traffic lights to give me pass for some odd reason I remembered the article about asexuality I had read on the newspaper's magazine... and then I remembered...

  • Sam Wall

To start off with, I can assure you that you're not the first person to be in this situation. So you don't have to feel as though you're the only straight person traveling in queer circles who's ever felt uncomfortable with the way straightness is discussed. And believe me when I say the advice I'm...