
  • Siân Jones

Hi Sam! This is a great question. I love it for two reasons: first, because learning about feminism seems like a pretty great use for the internet, but far more importantly because you're questioning the things you are reading and looking for additional perspectives so you can make your own mind up...

  • Gabriel Leão

In an exclusive interview with Scarleteen, Amnesty International Argentina Executive Director Mariela Belski, spoke about the road to the recent abortion legalization in Argentina, sex education in the South-American country and remembering the case of the child that acted as a catalyst to the changes the country has recently made.

  • Jess Thomson

The number of people you choose to sleep with isn’t the crux of sexual liberation. People who choose to have sex with fewer (or no) people shouldn’t be ashamed, and neither should people who choose to have multiple partners. It’s all about the choice - having the agency to sleep with as many or as few people as you please. It doesn’t make you naïve or boring or a slut or a whore; it’s just a choice that you’ve made, and that in itself is sexually liberating.

  • Daniel Hall

Dating apps are part and parcel of modern life. Those marketed to the LGBTQ+ community are particularly handy if you don’t have a conventional way to meet others with whom you identify. But I feel like spending so much time using apps twisted my perception of what a whole relationship should look like.

  • Sara Brezinski

Are people experiencing the “quarantine hornies,” or is sex entirely off the menu? The answer is yes; both; all the above. Here's some help for dealing with changes in libido and sexuality, how you express them, and sexual safety for right now.

  • Sam Wall

I wish I could find out who is spreading the idea that thinking about sex often, masturbating fruequently, or using sexual media indicates someone is on a path towards "sex addiction." You're far from the first person to ask about it in our direct services. I'd like to have some harsh words with...

  • Eva Sweeney

What if a partner is nonverbal due to disability? Here are some tips on how to seek and obtain consent and how to generally communicate during sex with a nonverbal partner, so sex can be safe, satisfying and fun for everyone involved.

  • Heather Corinna

Hi Ghost, It sounds like pleasure is a bit tricky to figure out - both by yourself and with a partner. Fortunately, there are solutions! You’ve touched on something important by mentioning that you don’t experience much pleasure not only in your genitals, but also in most of your skin. It might help...

  • Heather Corinna

A short, fast, sex ed summary about the basics of sexual consent.

  • Heather Corinna

A short, fast, sex ed summary about intimacy.