Caos.a (a play with the word “Causa”, Portuguese for “Cause”) began during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, and was created by television host Barbara Thomaz, with professor Ana Sharp, lawyer Natália Veroneze, advertising pro Flávia Zaparoli and actress Maira Dvorek. Gabriel Leão is here to tell you all about it.
sex education
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Al Washburn
Delve into the complexity of identites, intimacy, and the state of sex education with an interview with Bianca Laureano, the LatiNegra Sexologist.
- Al Washburn
Recently I had the privilege and the pleasure to chat with Bianca Laureano, otherwise known as the LatiNegra Sexologist, and co-founder of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network (WOCSHN). This is the full version of the interview — if you’d like to look at the main points summarized, look here! AW…
- Sam Wall
Hello Me-from-the-past, I’m glad to see you discovered a means of asking questions of your future self. I kid, but believe me when I say that your questions strike a chord with anyone who’s found themselves drawn towards sex and sexuality based professions (for the purposes of this articles, I’ll…
- Heather Corinna
Nothing. In other words, since it sounds like you’re asking for a personal answer here, and I am someone who could have become pregnant, and am someone who engaged in those sexual activities when I was a teen, the answer is that I didn’t do anything per preventing pregnancy and those activities…
- Heather Corinna
I don’t think making condoms available is “condoning” sex. If providing condoms, all by itself, sends any primary message, I think the message is that were he to engage in sex, you think preventing unwanted pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections is really important. I don…
- Heather Corinna
RespectIsSexy’s question continued We share a room, and often if I walk in unannounced I’ll find her seemingly lying on the bed doing absolutely nothing, looking irritatedly at me - the exact position I can be found in if interrupted masturbating. In light of this, I really think it’s necessary that…
- Heather Corinna
It is pretty normal to be a bit drier just after menstruation, and tampons also rob you of even more vaginal moisture. While you may be highly aroused, that doesn’t always mean plenty of natrual lubrication. If you aren’t using lubricant with the sex that you’re having, that’s the very first thing I…
- Susie Tang
Short answer: YES. You NEVER reuse a condom. NEVER. Even if you wash it really thoroughly, you cannot use it again. (If, by chance, by “it” you mean his penis, washing the penis isn’t a method of birth control either, and will not prevent pregnancy.) And if you take the step of having sex a second…
- Susie Tang
Has your girlfriend ever had a pelvic exam? If no, or if not lately, then she should visit her doctor and get checked out. That’s the only way she’ll figure out what that lump is. The best I could suggest is it may be her cervix. That’s the lower tip of the uterus, and it feels like a rounded bump…