
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Hans Lindahl

The short answer is this: intersex bodies are built differently, particularly compared to the usual paths people take through puberty. It’s up to you to decide if the word intersex feels right.

  • Robin Mandell

First of all, you’re completely okay and nothing you’ve described here means there’s anything wrong with you. Nearly all people masturbate or have masturbated in their lives, and most masturbate with the kind of frequency you’re describing. As well, it’s very normal for little children to masturbate…

  • Justin Hancock

Hey, thanks for your question. Lots and lots of guys worry about this kind of thing so it’s great that you’ve had the courage to ask a question about it. You’ve pretty much answered your question already, to be honest, but I’ll recap some of what you’ve said and fill in a couple of blanks here and…

  • Heather Corinna

I probably can’t help you keep erections or ejaculation from happening when you don’t want them to, since that’s just something largely, and often entirely, outside someone’s control. Hopefully what I can do is help you to worry about it less and accept the way your body is right now more. We hear…

  • Heather Corinna

Our sexual development is a lifelong process, one we actually start before we’re even born. Our sexuality and sexual development isn’t the same at every stage, mind: infant or early childhood sexuality is a very different thing than adult sexuality. But it’s still almost always present in some…

  • Heather Corinna

The penis – in its unaltered state with an intact foreskin – is pretty clearly designed for sexual activity where it is inserted, and where it can move around during sexual activities without a need for any special assistance. Not only do you not have to do anything at all to your foreskin at all…

  • Sarah Riley

It’s really hard to say when your periods might develop a discernible pattern. In general, we would probably expect to see that happen within the first 3-5 years of menstruation. However, that is a very general guideline because there are a lot of other factors that could be at work as well. Your…

  • Heather Corinna

Some of what you’re describing is what plenty of people who identify as asexual describe. Many asexual people report that it’s not a matter for them of not having sexual feelings, but instead, a matter of lacking any motivation to pursue those feelings actively with sexual partners, and also for…

  • Heather Corinna

You sure can. When a person who menstruates has their first period, it’s because they also first ovulated. In other words, first ovulation happens before your first period, so when you get your period for the first time, that means you will have also been able to become pregnant in at least the one…

  • CJ Turett

Without hormones, our bodies would not be able to function! Hormones are essentially chemical messengers that deliver the memo to cells that they are supposed to change up what they’re doing. Not all hormones are sex hormones; there are lots of kinds! Many hormones are produced by our endocrine…