
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Leslie Massicotte, M.Ed.

It’s common to feel hesitant about having sex again in the postpartum period. Let’s talk through some of the changes you can expect and what you can do if you are feeling ready to safely get your sexy back on.

  • Emily Wilson

I believe that sexual pleasure with someone else can only truly be found through vulnerability, through the radical act of maybe not knowing, in being willing to potentially even embarrass yourself in the pursuit of something greater.

  • Celia Bliss

This is a situation with many layers, so I’m not surprised you feel such a mixture of emotions, especially feelings of detachment. First, I want to encourage you to give yourself space to recognize how challenging this situation is and how there is no template for what you’re feeling. This will…

  • Haley Moss

Disability may feel scary if you’re new to it - there is a lot of language involved to learn, maybe more medical information than you feel capable of handling, or you might have a fear about possibly being cast in a caregiver role more so than a partner. All of these fears can be dispelled or addressed through ongoing, healthy communication. In my experience, disclosure is an ongoing conversation and there is no single “correct” way to do it, but there are ways that our partners can be stronger allies.

  • Lisa Laman

Two smart, insightful and autistic people who like talking about relationships walk into an interview. What comes out is this fantastically rich conversation between Scarleteen columnist Lisa Laman and Love and Asperger’s author and therapist Kate McNulty.

  • Jess Thomson

The number of people you choose to sleep with isn’t the crux of sexual liberation. People who choose to have sex with fewer (or no) people shouldn’t be ashamed, and neither should people who choose to have multiple partners. It’s all about the choice - having the agency to sleep with as many or as few people as you please. It doesn’t make you naïve or boring or a slut or a whore; it’s just a choice that you’ve made, and that in itself is sexually liberating.

  • Adam England

Even when you’re with a supportive partner, coming out as a bisexual guy to a girlfriend or another kind of woman partner isn’t always easy and might feel awfully intimidating. Adam England has some support, help and solidarity to spare.

  • Sara Brezinski

Are people experiencing the “quarantine hornies,” or is sex entirely off the menu? The answer is yes; both; all the above. Here’s some help for dealing with changes in libido and sexuality, how you express them, and sexual safety for right now.

  • Heather Corinna

I want to first reassure you that I’m sure you’re not doing anything wrong, and that this isn’t about something being wrong with you. That includes whatever level of desire — or frequency of desire — you find you have for sex in general or with a partner. I also don’t think this is probably just…

  • Lachrista Greco

So, you’ve got an STI. How do you tell current or potential partners?