The best rule of thumb when considering risk for pregnancy - always assume unless you’re using a reliable method of birth control that pregnancy can happen. The process that takes place in person who can become pregnant is called the menstrual cycle because it’s a full process that takes place, not…
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Heather Corinna
You sure can. When a person who menstruates has their first period, it’s because they also first ovulated. In other words, first ovulation happens before your first period, so when you get your period for the first time, that means you will have also been able to become pregnant in at least the one…
- Heather Corinna
“Where the heck do the eggs go?” is a pretty common question around here, whether someone on a hormonal method is asking, or someone NOT on a method is asking. After all, when an egg isn’t fertilized it’s got to go somewhere, too. And when someone understands that we are born with WAY more ovum –…
- Kate Storm
The Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) is a means for women to observe the three primary fertility signals: cervical fluid, waking body temperature and cervix changes so that you can be as in-the-know as possible when it comes to your own fertility and menstrual cycle. Find out the basic how-to so you can make the mystery of your own fertility cycle become a lot less mysterious.
- Heather Corinna
Depending on when exactly you ovulate, that may not have been a safe time at all. Some people ovulate fairly early in their cycles, so for those people – let’s say someone who ovulates on day 10, and had unprotected sex on day 7 – that would have been a very high risk time. Please understand that…