Finding it tough to discover single people in your traditional social outings? Speed dating could seemingly function as a remedy. Lisa Laman checks it out and reports back.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Mo Ranyart
First off, in case it helps to hear this: it’s all right to want to break up with your boyfriend. You’re allowed to end a relationship for any reason, and “I only want to date women, and my partner is now very clearly not a woman” is a perfectly valid one. Sometimes, a person’s gender transition…
- Amanda Seely
First of all, a bit of information about HPV. In general HPV is quite common and quite contagious. It’s slightly less contagious in vulva-to-vulva contact when compared with penis-vulva contact or penis-anal contact, but it is still contagious nonetheless, and can be contagious even without direct…
- Heather Corinna
I think one of the coolest things about sex is that it’s a lot like our taste in music. When it comes to music, we get to like what we like, and listen only to what we want to listen to when we get a choice. Obviously, in the grocery store or at a club what we hear not going to be up to us, but that…
- Heather Corinna
Although I think of myself as South Asian, I was born overseas and have always lived in a Western country. Our family still carries many of our traditional values from back home and we have a large community here. I came out to my parents around 3 years after having my own realizations. The impetus for this was that they had started to look for marriage partners for me.
- James Elliott
Meyli’s question continued: Last night, he went out with a couple guy friends, and they went to a fastfood place for dinner. One of the workers, a middle-aged man, touched him (can I say he grabbed his ass?) innapropriately. He was really freaked out by that, obviously anyone would be. It was a…
- Lena
Anna, I’m sorry to hear that you’re in this tough situation right now. You really like having your friend as just a friend and want to keep it that way whereas she would prefer a more sexual relationship. You don’t want to hurt her feelings but you also don’t want to keep having sex! While we…
- Carly Dreyfus
My experience with sex-negativity and ignorance in the medical world. Adventures in having an ovarian cyst, coming out in the ER, enduring bad gynecological exams, healing my relationship with my anus and finally finding a good doctor.
- Heather Corinna
The only person who needs to be convinced they are gay, bisexual, lesbian, heterosexual or any other kind of orientation is that person. We don’t need to convince others of what our orientation is or prove our orientation to anyone. That girl you know doesn’t need to convince you she’s gay, nor…
- Heather Corinna
It’s important to remember that partnered sex isn’t just about your preferences and wants, it’s also about the preferences and wants of your partner. Partnered sex isn’t a solo: it’s a duet, and what you’re going for is harmony. You’re going to find those wants and preferences out by experimenting…