
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Jaclyn Friedman

First, let me say how awesome it is to get your letter. I recently started a whole new organization – called EducateUS – to convince more people to want to take action for sex education the way you already do, and to help people like you who are already motivated and looking for ways to get active…

  • Al Washburn

On Friday, the Japanese Supreme Court voted to uphold a law that requires transgender people to be sterilized before their gender can be legally changed on official documents. Law No. 111, first implemented in 2003, set forth requirements that need to be fulfilled before Japanese trans people could…

  • Caroline Reilly

The ruling in the Supreme Court case Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt invalidated the basis that so many, if not all, standing abortion restrictions are founded on, including parental involvement laws.

  • Caroline Reilly

In every state where consent or notification is required for a minor to get an abortion, there’s also a judicial bypass option. Here’s the history and mechanics of judicial bypass laws.

  • Heather Corinna

Do I think you should just suck it up, take these photos and share them? No. First and foremost because, depending on the content and level of nudity, doing so could be as consequentially serious as a felony on both of your parts. So it’s clear right from the start and in a way you can’t miss it: I…

  • Heather Corinna

Good question! I wish I had an answer to give you as succinct and simple as your question. The answer is that it depends. Many countries have age of consent (AOC) laws that are federal, or the same throughout a whole nation, so it just depends then on what country you’re in. If you’re not in one of…

  • Heather Corinna

It’s not a strange question, but it certainly is an infuriating issue. That woman was either dishonest with you or unknowingly mistaken. In the United States, all 50 of them, minors may purchase condoms just like legal adults can. That also includes minors who are not above a given state’s age of…

  • Heather Corinna

If you took your pregnancy tests two weeks after your last risk, you can feel pretty confident in the negative results you got. If you did not wait that long, you’ll want to retest when it has been two weeks since your last risk. It would be early to have pregnancy symptoms already from a risk two…

  • Heather Corinna

Why would you want to be friends with someone you feel afraid of and who is harassing you? Who you fear may become violent if you take any action to stop his harassment? That’s not the way friends treat each other: this guy is not your friend, and clearly has no interest in being your friend. Sexual…