
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Sam Wall

Maybe you’ve noticed: there’s been a shift in how people and movements that are anti-trans present themselves. I’m going to go over some of the clues that a resource or person’s only concern is directing people away from trans-affirming care and towards harmful, anti-trans spaces or approaches.

  • Ellis Schwamm

For all the body positivity of our modern era, we still don’t hear many public conversations about periods. In many parts of the world, people are and have long been cut off from resources and education about periods: and the more marginalized the person, the more cut off they’ve usually been. Let’s have an honest discussion about what periods are, some of the unique challenges that transmasculine people who menstruate can grapple with, and how to address them.

  • Sam Wall

And Anon asks, “I am naturally kinky, and I am looking for girlfriend who is dominant more of gfd. I do not want a mistress but a girlfriend who can understand me at times. I want to appear to have a normal relationship in outside world.” I combined these two questions because they exemplify a trend…

  • Al Washburn

That’s a really, really good question! To answer it, I want to stop for a second to talk about why your doctor asked you that question. Usually, for young people (especially if you’ve seen them before and it’s the first time they’ve asked you that question), the doctor wants to assess what kinds of…

  • Manola Secaira

Is “Latinx” just some weird made-up thing from the internet? How do marginalized communities reshape language to define themselves?

  • Liz Duck-Chong

If you or your partner is packing girldick, navigating your sexuality takes time, communication, and self-love.

  • Liz Duck-Chong

The words we use to talk about sexuality and gender matter, but do they have to be so complicated?

  • Al Washburn
  • Jacob Mirzaian

In Part 1 and Part 2 of our intersectionality series we spoke about how identity and the way it intersects is personal. So, to explore that, we (Jacob & Al) decided we would have to get specific, we would have to get personal, and we would have to write about ourselves. Part 3 is a conversation between two people who somehow find themselves asking, “Are we like pies?”

  • Al Washburn
  • Jacob Mirzaian

In Part 1 and Part 2 of our intersectionality series we spoke about how identity and the way it intersects is personal. So, to explore that, we (Jacob & Al) decided we would have to get specific, we would have to get personal, and we would have to write about ourselves. Part 3 is a conversation…


When everyone seems to be so preoccupied with labels, it’s hard to really explain to someone that you’re a ‘genderqueer-gendernonconforming-demisexual-‘gay’-transman’ and not have them look at you funny.