DebbieK's question continued: I was (and still am) a virgin and I had never done sex of any kind (oral, anal, etc.) but I had been a sexual person since I was a kid. I masturbated all the time when I was younger because it felt good but I didn't associate it with sex until I was around 13. This...
- Robin Mandell
Kissing and snuggling sure seem awfully underrated. Check out why we think what some folks consider only "first base" can be home runs all their own.
- Robin Mandell
You did nothing wrong. The idea someone "asks for" something they don't want, something that they experience as a violation, is a trope that I wish would go the way of the dodo bird. Understand, I'm not upset with you for saying that; I'm upset with the culture that sends messages that make you...
- Heather Corinna
If he's kissing guys but not you, that might be a sound reason to think about his sexual orientation. But that doesn't appear to be the case. Our sexual orientation isn't based on who we do not feel emotional or sexual attraction to, but to who we do have those feelings for. Of course, if we're not...
- Heather Corinna
Understand that if a person with a penis is aroused and/or erect, then there is likely some pre-ejaculate at some point. If his penis is visible, you will likely be able to see it, but for obvious reasons, if it's inside your vagina or your mouth, you're not going to be able to see it, and both you...
- Heather Corinna
A page if you're someone who does not want to take ANY risk, at all, of a pregnancy, and wants to know your options.
- Heather Corinna
Yes, coldsores are the oral herpes virus, or HSV-I. Your friend has it right. Understand that most people do not contract oral herpes sexually, but through casual contact, and the majority of people with oral herpes contract it in childhood, just by doing things like sharing glasses with family...
- Sarah Riley
Thankfully, there is no direct connection between one's genitals and their mouth. So no, kissing (of any sort) will not lead to pregnancy. The right bits of anatomy are just not in the right location for that to occur. Similarly, there's nothing about manual sex ('fingering') that could cause...