In terms of your current lateness, keep in mind that you won't have your withdrawl bleed (you don't have real "periods" when you're on hormonal birth control because you are not ovulating) at the exact time that you had it before you were on the birth control. Your cycles will probably be around 28...
hormonal birth control
- Sarah Riley
Your pills should be fully effective beginning at the start of your new pack. Typically, problems with pills only affect that particular cycle (unless the problem itself carries over into the next pack). So as long as you don't have any problems during your next cycle, you should be well protected...
- Sarah Riley
It is important to understand that the each pill in your packet has basically enough hormones for 24 hours. When you're late or miss one, your hormone levels can drop. So then what ends up happening is that when you take the late (or missed) pill and then take your next one at what is supposed to be...