
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Sam Wall
  • Heather Corinna

A short, fast, sex ed summary of basic sexual anatomy.

  • Sam Wall
  • Heather Corinna

A short, fast, sex ed summary about masturbation.

  • Liz Duck-Chong

If you or your partner is packing girldick, navigating your sexuality takes time, communication, and self-love.

  • Robin Mandell

Generally, fear serves a very important and useful function. It helps us recognize things to validly be afraid of and allows us to defend or put ourselves on guard against or around those things; to do what we need to to keep ourselves safe and sound. Fear of pain is particularly adaptive. It often…

  • Heather Corinna

Before I say anything else, I know the answer to every question related to sex with an “Is it normal?” in it is something you’re supposed to answer yes to, and if you don’t, it can be perceived as not being nice or trying to hurt someone’s feelings. But please understand that “normal” isn’t a word I…

  • Heather Corinna

Well, I don’t think vaginas or vulvas (or penises or anuses or mouths or ears or eyes or fingers or kidneys: any body parts) are gross. I think they’re really freaking cool and totally fascinating, whether I’m talking or thinking about my own, or all vulvas or vaginas. But you’re making quite clear…

  • Heather Corinna

These are excellent questions, and I don’t think it’s surprising at all that this all feels confusing. We unfortunately have a very, very long history of some profound misunderstandings of sexual anatomy and sexual response and a relatively short history of study and comprehensive education and…

  • Heather Corinna

It’s great that you’re looking for information for your friend. Hopefully, we can offer some both she and you will find useful. This month, we have the benefit of a some extra hands to help with this section of the site, including some wonderful sex educators, writers and activists. For this…

  • Heather Corinna

I feel your pain. Big time. I have had times in my life where UTIs were something I could count on more than the sun coming up every day, owing the IRS money while people who made 100 times more than I do in a year didn’t, and never getting a seat on the subway during rush hour. I know too well how…

  • Heather Corinna

Looking for an alternative to tampons or pads? A user asks about menstrual cups, and we give her – and you – the scoop.