
  • Heather Corinna

It really depends, because there are a few possibilities, and it could be any one or all of them. Most commonly, that'd just be a person with a vagina's usual vaginal discharges. At nearly any given time, we have vaginal discharges and cervical mucus which are part of our monthly fertility cycle...

  • Susie Tang

Anything that is in the vaginal canal after sex either dribbles out, gets expelled or gets reabsorbed by the body. Semen clots and becomes sticky within minutes of being ejaculated. But if you wait half an hour or so, the semen liquefies again. Then it is free to dribble out the vagina (whatever...

  • Heather Corinna

Vaginal discharge and secretions are normal and usually healthy. The vagina is a passageway between the outside of the body and the internal reproductive system. Vaginal secretions are how the vagina cleanses and regulates itself -- how amazing is that? -- in the same sort of way that saliva helps keep your mouth clean and healthy and part of the fertility cycle.