What happens to natural female lubricant (or any other moistness) after intercourse? I have asked many of my friends (both male and female) this question and no one can provide a sufficient answer.
All the information I have so far been able to glean on the subject is that the vagina is a "self-cleaning organ." I'm not stupid. I can imagine what this means, but I would just like it explained a little bit more in depth than that. Any information you could supply on this subject would be deeply appreciated.
Anything that is in the vaginal canal after sex either dribbles out, gets expelled or gets reabsorbed by the body.
Semen clots and becomes sticky within minutes of being ejaculated. But if you wait half an hour or so, the semen liquefies again. Then it is free to dribble out the vagina (whatever hasn’t made it’s way up the cervix already, anyway). Whatever is left over breaks down. The sperm die, and the body digests and absorbs the remainder.
Vaginal lubrication can also simply dribble out if it is in excess. But it can just as easily be reabsorbed. Vaginal lubrication is actually made from blood plasma filtered through many layers of vaginal tissue. It is mostly water, some salts, small proteins and viral particles that are small enough to make it past the filtration (like HIV).
While gravity helps remove the fluids, gentle muscle contractions during orgasm as well as general movements (like sitting up, shifting positions, walking, etc.) can push the fluids out the vagina.