A guide to finding queer media, even when it feels hard.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Heather Corinna
Surviving in the sexual wilds – and having your great adventures be just that, great – involves some basic smarts, skills and conscious effort. Let’s see what we can do to help make all your trails happy ones.
- Al Washburn
We explore the dark history of the foundations of surgical gynecology and its “father”, J. Marion Sims, inventor of the vaginal speculum, who performed experiments on enslaved women without anaesthesia in the mid-1800’s, and learn about the ways in which the legacy of racism and sexualization towards black folks has persisted and developed to have a measurable effect on health outcomes.
- Sam Wall
Jiz is a nonbinary performer, speaker, author, and the driving force behind Coming Out Like a Porn Star, a collection chronicling how different porn performers have “come out” to family, friends, and loved ones. I asked Jiz their thoughts on identity, ethics, and the realities of making porn.
- Hanne Blank
I don’t know if you are Orthodox or not, but if you are, perhaps you’ve heard of a term called “taharat hamispocheh” (rough transliteration). These are the laws (halacha) of family purity, or so they’re called. They cover life situations involving sexuality and sexual activity.