
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Hans Lindahl

Sharing sensitive personal information can feel scary, and you get to disclose on your own terms. This article is about telling a crush, date, or current partner that you are intersex — but the advice can work for any type of relationship.

  • Sam Wall

What does STI testing involve? How do you do it? Where? When? What do you do with your results? We answer all these questions and more to help demystify testing so you can take care of you and yours with less stress and more confidence.

  • Lisa Laman

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all process for tackling this issue, but here’s a little help from one person with Autism to another, so you can figure out some concrete ways of scaling what can feel like an immense social mountain.

  • Sam Wall
  • s.e. smith

Dating and romance can be fraught spaces for anyone, regardless of their gender. But a common, specific fear we see among trans and otherwise gender-nonconforming users is that their gender identity means that no one will want to be their partner, that no one will ever find them attractive, or that it will limit their sexual orientation. Those fears can come from all sorts of places, be that messages from your family or the images of trans people you see on TV. Let’s pull those worries out into the light and take a closer look at them

  • Mo Ranyart

Unchained’s question continued: Around the beginning of this year, I was walking to the bus stop after college and when I was waiting for the traffic lights to give me pass for some odd reason I remembered the article about asexuality I had read on the newspaper’s magazine… and then I remembered…

  • Heather Corinna

You just take whatever time you need, at whatever pace you need, to build trust with a new partner or potential partner. Being assaulted of course impacts how we trust people and makes it more difficult to trust, especially when you were assaulted by people who you trusted, who those around you…