
Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Hannah Boning

It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into what you want from a romantic and sexual relationship, and that’s great! It’s always good to spend some time figuring out what you want and need before you start a relationship. By knowing yourself and your boundaries, you’ve got a solid foundation for…

  • Al Washburn

What would the world look like if we made a habit of thinking about personal boundaries in our everyday lives?

  • Marianne Kirby

A lot of people are talking about “bad sex” when they mean coercive sex. So let’s have a conversation about when sex just isn’t satisfying.

  • Andrew Gurza

Dear Anonymous, When I first got your question in my inbox, I was really excited to write a response, because I have felt the same as you at different times in my life. As a disabled teenager, the idea of having an anonymous hook-up felt weird, inappropriate, and simply didn’t feel like “the right…

  • Heather Corinna

Surviving in the sexual wilds – and having your great adventures be just that, great – involves some basic smarts, skills and conscious effort. Let’s see what we can do to help make all your trails happy ones.

  • Sam Wall

We’re some of consent’s biggest fans around here, so we’re thrilled to have gotten a chance to interview Kitty Stryker about the new anthology she spearheaded, Ask: Building Consent Culture.

  • Sam Wall

You do know how to say “no” to sex. The issue is that you’re afraid to say it, and that’s a big red flag. I don’t know how your boyfriend reacted the one time you said no, but it was clearly intense enough that you’ve done the calculus and decided it’s better to have sex you don’t want than face…

  • Caroline Reilly

In every state where consent or notification is required for a minor to get an abortion, there’s also a judicial bypass option. Here’s the history and mechanics of judicial bypass laws.

  • Mo Ranyart

I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling insecure in your sexual relationship. It’s understandable that you’d feel a bit uncertain about your girlfriend’s enjoyment of sex since it sounds like you aren’t getting much, if any, honest feedback from her and are worried her responses during sex aren’t genuine…

  • Kori
  • Andi MacDonald

How do you navigate a relationship when one or both partners are dealing with pain?