The number of people you choose to sleep with isn’t the crux of sexual liberation. People who choose to have sex with fewer (or no) people shouldn’t be ashamed, and neither should people who choose to have multiple partners. It’s all about the choice - having the agency to sleep with as many or as few people as you please. It doesn’t make you naïve or boring or a slut or a whore; it’s just a choice that you’ve made, and that in itself is sexually liberating.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Cass Ball
It can feel like the world will end if you haven’t had sex or a sexual or romantic relationship by your mid-twenties. There are countless ways in which our culture puts pressure on young people to gain experience in romantic and sexual relationships. But truthfully, if you don’t have much, or even any, experience with dating and sex, you are not doomed to never experience romantic and sexual connection. The world also will not end.
- Siân Jones
Reclaiming your sexuality after sexual abuse can be complicated. Your previous partner has left you with a whole mess of shame and trauma. None of this is your fault, he is the one who chose to hurt and manipulate you, I’m sorry that you had to go through that and are now facing the work of picking…
- Emily Joy Allison-Hearn
Hey friend, Thank you for writing in with your question; I completely identify with the anxiety of searching for acceptance from your faith community when your life choices are at odds with religious dogma. It’s a hard place to be in. I want to say two things unequivocally that I think can both be…
- Liz Duck-Chong
You may have heard that gender is between our ears and sex is between our legs, but is it? And if not, what is it, and why is it so important to people? Let’s find out.
- Raechel Anne Jolie
Ready to take #MeToo to the next level?
- Heather Corinna
First up, I hope whatever is bringing you to this big move is an incredible and wanted opportunity. I’m also so glad you were able to get a diagnosis that helps you understand a little more about yourself, and that can probably help you find resources and tools to make some things less challenging…
- Sam Wall
Unless you live under a very large rock, odds are good you’ve heard some statistics and research about adolescent minds and neurochemistry and how they are still doing a lot of developing through the early to mid-twenties. Yes, the adolescent brain makes impulsive behavior more likely. But that doesn’t mean that teens and emerging adults don’t know what they want, who they are now, or what they’re talking about.
- Sam Wall
It’s not surprising that this situation has you confused. It feels straight out of a romantic comedy, and when you take the plot of a romantic comedy and plop it into the real world it tends to feel much less humorous and more like someone stuck your head and heart in a blender and hit the “on”…
- Sam Wall
My answer to your question is at once simple and really, really complicated: don’t ask your mom permission. You’re an adult, you don’t need her permission, or anyone’s, to explore sex. Truthfully, you didn’t need her permission when you were sixteen either. Even when you’re a kid, what you choose to…