
  • Heather Corinna
  • Jacob Mirzaian
  • Sam Wall
  • Stephanie
  • Redskies

If you're in an abusive relationship, to make abuse stop you've got to get away and stay away. Here's help to do that safely, and to be as safe as you can before leaving.

  • Sam Wall

Oh, pubic hair. One of those subjects that, when brought up, generally kick-starts a furious debate about which option (shaved, trimmed, left alone) is the most attractive, the most empowered, the most hygienic, etc. And, depending on how much you follow this debate, you may end up feeling like no...

  • Mo Ranyart

Hi, bifabulous! Congrats on becoming more aware of your own sexuality! Sadly, you're right: some people do harbor misconceptions and sexist notions about bisexual women. Racism and sexism added to the mix make the issue even thornier; as you said, there are a lot of harmful stereotypes about Asian...

  • Sam Wall

The good news is, you're definitely not the first person to ask this question. People have been trying to parse out what, exactly, constitutes love for most of human history. And who can blame them? Loving someone, and feeling loved in return is, in its best form, a really wonderful emotion. And...

  • Sam Wall

Scarleteen volunteer Sam reflects on the significance of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and how it relates to sexuality, identity, and her middle school experience.

  • Robin Mandell

You did nothing wrong. The idea someone "asks for" something they don't want, something that they experience as a violation, is a trope that I wish would go the way of the dodo bird. Understand, I'm not upset with you for saying that; I'm upset with the culture that sends messages that make you...

  • Heather Corinna

Nothing. In other words, since it sounds like you're asking for a personal answer here, and I am someone who could have become pregnant, and am someone who engaged in those sexual activities when I was a teen, the answer is that I didn't do anything per preventing pregnancy and those activities...

  • Heather Corinna

People do say that people are ready for sex -- and not just the first time, either -- at different times, different ages and in different situations. And that's absolutely right. Whether we do or don't want any kind of sex at any given time, with any given person, in any given situation, and also...

  • Heather Corinna

Everyone has a sexual orientation and a sexual identity. Here are some basics and not-so-basics about what orientation is, some of the ways we can talk about it, how to figure yours out, and finding support.

  • Jenna Gaarde

I just want to start off by saying that you seem to be a self-aware and secure person in your sexuality, from the limited information that you included. Many people who are concerned with their lack of sexual experience have feelings of insecurity. That insecurity is more often what tends to be the...