As with other kinds of illness, sexual illness is just another common part of living in a body. You’ll find the scoop here on the kinds of sexually-acquired or other sexual illnesses here, how to prevent them, and how to take care of yourself and manage them when you or someone else has a communicable infection or other kind of illness.
Sexual Illness
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Caitlyn Tivy PT, DPT, OCS
Endometriosis is a complicated and often debilitating condition. It’s believed to occur in approximately 10% of people with uteruses of “reproductive age.” That’s approximately 200 million people worldwide – a whole lot of folks! About two-thirds of people with the condition will develop symptoms before the age of 20, but it may take several years and consultations with multiple healthcare providers to receive a diagnosis. One of my missions in spreading awareness about endometriosis is to help more people receive a diagnosis and appropriate care more quickly.
- Sam Wall
What does STI testing involve? How do you do it? Where? When? What do you do with your results? We answer all these questions and more to help demystify testing so you can take care of you and yours with less stress and more confidence.
- Jennifer Waugh
The findings of a major eight-year-long HIV study known as the PARTNER2 study have shown that so long as HIV+ partners are being fully treated, there is no chance of passing on HIV to a sexual partner, even with unprotected sex. What does that mean, and where do we stand now that we know this?
- Emily Joy Allison-Hearn
I’m an HPV vaccine evangelist. Every opportunity I get, I stand on my metaphorical soap box and preach to everyone who will listen about why it’s so important to get vaccinated against HPV. But it wasn’t always like this.
- Al Washburn
Mycoplasma genitalium (sometimes called Mgen) is a bacterial infection spread through sexual contact. Although it’s pretty common now, it isn’t diagnosed and treated as often as it should be.
- Al Washburn
STI rates are higher in communities of color. Get the facts so you can fight the stereotypes.
- Finn Black
Hepatitis is is an inflammation of the liver almost always caused by different hepatitis viruses. Learn about prevention and treatment for hepatitis A, B, C, and beyond.
- Finn Black
About one in five people in the United States over age 12 — approximately 45 million individuals — are infected with HSV-II, the virus that causes genital herpes. Around 50-80 percent of the adult population has oral herpes, which most people contract through nonsexual contact in childhood.
- Finn Black
Is pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention right for me? When should I use post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)? Get the answers to these and other PEP/PrEP questions, right here!
- s.e. smith
While most cases of Zika virus are acquired via mosquito bites, this emerging virus can be transmitted sexually, and the CDC reports that the numbers of such cases are growing in subtropical regions of the Americas.