The way we and others understand and experience who we are based on all or some of our sexualities, including things like sexual orientation, relationship models, what sexual activities or practices we’re into and more.
Sexual Identity
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Molly Brooker-Corcoran
Facing up to my rape, and learning to heal from it, forced me to investigate my sexuality seriously, and for the first time. That is not to say I am glad it happened. I am not. I think I would have gotten there eventually, but how I lived with my assault definitely shifted my perspective.
- Adam England
There are an awful lot of misconceptions and myths surrounding bisexuality. Obviously, these views don’t hold up to reality, and they can be seriously offensive, ignorant, and hurtful, too. With so many pervasive myths out there, it’s always a good time to tackle them head-on and debunk them once and for all. Here are seven pervasive but false beliefs about bisexual men.
- Alice Rona
I experienced bisexual erasure when I was a teenager. The first crushes I remember having were on boys, but I’ll never forget the first time I met a girl and felt weak in the knees. I was thirteen years old. A year later I heard the term bisexual for the first time and felt like it described me.
- Adam England
Even when you’re with a supportive partner, coming out as a bisexual guy to a girlfriend or another kind of woman partner isn’t always easy and might feel awfully intimidating. Adam England has some support, help and solidarity to spare.
- Mo Ranyart
I want to start by answering your question about whether it’s normal or common for bisexual people to doubt their orientation, because it’s something I’ve seen often, both in my experience as a volunteer here at Scarleteen and as a person with a lot of bisexual friends and acquaintances. I’m not…
- Siân Jones
Hi Susan, It sounds like you have two separate things going on here. We can break it down into smaller pieces and talk about them individually. 1. Your friend likes you, but you don’t like him like that. The most immediate thing is that your best friend has expressed a romantic interest in you…
- Adam England
When you identify as queer but enter into relationships with heterosexual people, or those with of a different gender to your own, it can feel odd to consolidate these two parts of your identity. You’re not straight, but society can perceive you that way – where do you fit in, exactly?
- Sam Wall
There are a lot of binary ideas and definitions happening in your questions. By that, I mean you’re viewing things as only having two possible options, when really there are more than that. Let’s tackle the question with the simplest answer first. If you like a trans guy, then you like guys, because…
- Mo Ranyart
I’ll answer your last question first, since it has an easy answer: no, you aren’t too old to be waiting to feel attraction to someone. There isn’t an age that’s “too old” when it comes to feeling attraction; even if there was, sixteen wouldn’t be it! People can experience attraction in vastly…
- Mo Ranyart
I can’t definitively say whether you’re bisexual or not, because your own sexual orientation is something only you can know for sure. But I can throw out some thoughts and ideas that might make it easier for you to come to more of an understanding about yourself and your orientation. A great first…