Media, especially mass media, has a lot of influence over how we think about our bodies, our gender, sex and sexuality, our relationships and social interactions. Working out what that influence is for us, how it’s impacting us, and figuring out how to approach media when it comes to all this is key to a healthy relationship with it.
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Sam Wall
One of the trends that gives me hope for the future is seeing more and more queer media on shelves and screens. It’s heartening that, even in the face of alarming and depressing times, queer and trans people still manage to make art and tell stories. Too, with the pushes to censor queer content, it…
- Sam Wall
One of my favorite parts of Pride is watching queer stories and media be centered and shared throughout the month, which is why I put out a call to our wonderful Scarleteam to share their favorite pieces of queer media! The resulting recommendations are a great mix of books, podcasts, and T.V. shows…
- Alice Oshima
Part two of Alice O’s exploration of mainstream porn to help increase your sexual media literacy. Includes information about sex positions, orgasm, consent and communication, boundaries, birth control, safer sex and more as they exist (or don’t!) in mainstream porn, and how this can or should all go in real-life-sex to compare and contrast.
- Alice Oshima
A clear-eyed, in-depth exploration of mainstream porn that can: amp up your sexual media literacy so you can better suss out what’s really going on with and in porn, fill you in on how it may or may not – and sometimes just plain shouldn’t – match your expectations or experiences of sexuality offscreen, and tell you more about its politics and behind-the-scenes realities.
- Chanté Thurmond
Who knew a discussion with an ex-boyfriend about squirting would set Pussypedia co-founder Zoe Mendelson on a quest across the internet in search of trustworthy, fact-based sexual health information about her body that led to starting a bilingual, diverse, and inclusive digital encyclopedia? (Not Zoe!) We talked to her to find out all about this new resource and Zoe’s experience making it.
- Chanté Thurmond
I know how important it is for brown and Black young people to see characters who look like them, and I know how much I longed for someone who looked like me and had a not-so-perfect home life to tell the rest of the world what it can actually like to be a biracial teenage girl.
- Chanté Thurmond
Hey, hey, hey, it’s Chanté, back this week to continue the convo about sexuality and intersectionality. This week, I want to revisit a little basic terminology I brought up last time. Sexuality and intersectionality are my jam. Why? Well, because I’m someone who identifies as so many things that…
- Heather Corinna
We got our collective, grabby little hands on a copy of Mady G. and J.R. Zuckerberg’s A Quick and Easy Guide to Queer and Trans Identities a couple weeks ago and we’re in luuuuurrrve. It just came out this week, so we’re here to tell you that we think you – especially if there are some young people…
- Heather Corinna
What is sexual media, how might we think wisely about it, and how can we figure out how to feel and what choices to make with it?