Emotional abuse – battering, bullying, harassment, gaslighting, withholding, verbal abuse and other forms – is both very pervasive and often harder to identify or get help with than other kinds of abuse. You can find that help and information here.
Emotional Abuse
Articles and Advice in this area:
- Gabrielle Echevarrieta
Some forms of abuse, like physical abuse or some kinds of sexual assault, are more easily identified by victims or witnesses. Conversely, gaslighting is a type of non-event, a toxic presence that chips away at a person’s wellbeing over time. Gaslighting is a powerful abuse tactic, although a lesser known one. It is notoriously difficult to understand and recognize, especially for a victim.
- Amanda Seely
You say that you’re not sure whether or not to end the relationship, but it sounds to me like part of you knows that many aspects of your relationship aren’t healthy and that ending it is what needs to happen. It’s completely normal to have conflicting feelings about that, but it’s also important to…
- Sam Wall
I think you are reading this situation absolutely right. That thing he’s doing, when you reach out to talk and he requests pictures and then threatens to break up if you won’t? That is a truly manipulative and toxic dynamic. It’s also a major red flag in terms of a relationship being abusive…
- Sam Wall
As you have probably guessed from the title, I have some thoughts about what the source of the issue is, and boy howdy is it not you. Let’s look at an abridged version of events from an outside perspective, because when you’re in a relationship, with all the feelings that involves, it can be hard to…
- Robin Mandell
BeckisBack’s question continued: I’ve never been sexual with any of my boyfriends. I merely look for acceptance and affection in a relationship, and do the same for them in return. Another thing I will not do is exploit my body, and even though I trust him very much, I don’t want to send a picture…
- Heather Corinna
I’m so sorry that you’ve found yourself in what sounds like some big time bad-news dynamics. There are some things where not being in agreement isn’t a big deal, or is problematic, but not massive. However, having conflict about sex and reproduction like this, especially if one person refuses to…
- Heather Corinna
It sounds to me like your best bet would just be getting away from this dope. You’re noticing changes in his behavior: he doesn’t seem to be as sweet and nice anymore. Despite making clear that you’re just not comfortable having any kind of sex with him, he’s pushing it and also seems to be trying…
- Heather Corinna
(Jasmine’s question continued)I have no idea what to do. I mean it is just a little money…we’ve already had sex and now we understand that he want to be together for ever. He even told his parents about me, which was hard because they are as strict as hell. But I don’t want to give him anything…
- Heather Corinna
Really, all I needed to do was to get to your second paragraph, and then read your last few sentences to know that a) this guy isn’t good news and b) you really don’t want to be in this relationship, which I’d say is a very good thing. Can you imagine your almost-thirty-year-old self making a deal…