Disabled Rights & History

All about social and community rights for those with disabiities, including laws and other policies, and how to advocate for yourself within able-centered systems.

Articles and Advice in this area:

  • Tasha Fierce

We’ve got a million reasons to be in the streets. But not everyone is okay with — or even able to engage in — active protest right now. But because of COVID-19, many people, especially sick and disabled folks, may be hesitant to bring their bodies together as a show of force. Here’s how to make in-person protest safer and how to pitch in from your living room or bed instead.

  • s.e. smith

Many people with evident physical impairments — like those that require the use of mobility devices — encounter rude questions from nondisabled people on the regular. Those with chronic illnesses and other impairments that might not always be immediately obvious certainly come in for their share as well. Sometimes it feels like we should be selling tickets to the freak show.

  • Heather Corinna
  • s.e. smith

This piece is part of Rebel Well: a Starter Survival Guide to a Trumped America for Teens and Emerging Adults. Many disabled people are very concerned about threatened changes to the Affordable Care Act, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, as well as state programs that subsidize aides, medical…