
Date Rape Drugs: A Special Report

Saying no to sex⁠ when you want to is a given. But what if you CAN'T say no? What if, the next day, you don't even remember being asked, or how you got to where you are, or who you were with? Worse still, what if you DON'T wake up at all?

Recently, a number of drugs which have been used for the purpose of committing rape⁠ have come to the attention of sex educators and health workers, and SIECUS, the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, has issued a report today outlining some of those drugs, and a few helpful tips on what you can do to protect yourself. Read up on what they have to say, and think about what measures you can take to take care of yourself and keep from becoming a victim.

FACT SHEET - DRUG FACILITATED SEXUAL ASSAULT In recent years, drug-facilitated sexual assault⁠ has become a growing concern among health and community educators. A number of drugs have become known as "date rape drugs" or "predatory drugs" because they are used to incapacitate individuals for the purposes of committing a crime, often sexual assault.

Alcohol is the drug most commonly associated with sexual assault, but incidents involving other drugs are on the rise. These drugs, also called "club drugs" because of their popularity in dance clubs and bars, can be unknowingly given to a victim, incapacitate the victim, and prevent him/her from resisting during a sexual assault or other crime. They can also produce amnesia causing a victim to be unclear of what, if any, crime was committed. These drugs are particularly dangerous when combined with alcohol.

As with any coerced sexual⁠ activity, victims of drug-facilitated sexual assault cannot protect themselves from HIV⁠ , other sexually transmitted diseases, or unintended pregnancy⁠ .

SIECUS prepared this fact sheet to provide information on two of the most common predatory drugs, as well as suggestions for preventing drug-facilitated crimes.

GHB GHB stands for gamma hydroxybutyrate, a central nervous system⁠ sedative often referred to by other names such as "Grievous Bodily Harm" and "Liquid Ecstasy." GHB was once sold in health food stores as a performance enhancer for body builders because it was believed to stimulate the production of human growth hormone. In 1990, the FDA banned the use of GHB because of reports of severe, uncontrollable side effects. GHB can produce drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, unconsciousness, seizures, severe respiratory depression, and coma. Overdose of GHB can occur quickly and can be fatal. Since 1990, there have been 5,700 documented cases of GHB abuse⁠ and more than 30 reported sexual assaults and 65 deaths attributed to this drug. Most of the GHB used today is a "homemade" mix of various chemical ingredients, including solvents. Homemade GHB is dangerous in part because there are significant differences in potency, purity, and concentration. The same amount taken from two separate batches can have very different effects. GHB is available both in liquid and powder forms. It is usually odorless and tasteless and therefore can be easily slipped unnoticed into a drink.

ROHYPNOL Rohypnol is a brand name for Flunitrazepam, a powerful sedative that is often referred to by other names such as "roofies" and "roach." Rohypnol is not legally available for prescription in the United States but is legal in 60 countries for the treatment of insomnia. Rohypnol may cause users to feel intoxicated; they may have slurred speech, impaired judgment, and difficulty walking. The effects are often felt within 10 minutes and can last up to eight hours. Rohypnol can cause deep sedation, respiratory distress, and blackouts that can last up to 24 hours. There is a potential for overdose or death to occur, especially when mixed with alcohol or other drugs. Rohypnol is available in small white tablets that can be taken orally, ground up in a drink, or snorted. In 1997, the manufacturer of Rohypnol changed the formula so that it turns blue/green and can be more easily detected when added to liquids.

PROTECTIVE MEASURES FOR TEENS • Drink from tamper-proof bottles and cans and insist on opening them.
• Insist on pouring or watching while any drink is mixed or prepared. Do not drink from group drinks such as punch bowls.
• Keep an eye on your drink or open soda can, do not trust someone to watch it for you.
• If you think you've been drugged, do not be afraid to seek medical attention, and do not hesitate to get it for yourself or a friend, even if you're not sure.
• If someone passes out⁠ and you suspect predatory drugs, call for medical attention immediately and explain your concerns.
(Reprinted with permission from SHOP Talk, published by the Sexuality Informaiton and Education Council of the United States)

Don't forget basic safety standards when you're out in general. If you're going out to a club or party, always bring a friend that you know you can trust, and keep your eyes on one another. Don't ever go off alone or become sexually engaged (and yes, I'm even talking about kissing⁠ ) with someone you have just met, and, no matter what age you are, it is never wise to get incapacitated at places like parties and clubs with people you do not know, and cannot trust. As much as it stinks, we cannot trust everyone we meet, and the safest thing to do is to insist anyone you meet earn your trust, over a long period⁠ of time, and in a non-sexual sphere.

WEB RESOURCES FROM SIECUS - This Web site is a service of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The term "club drugs" refers to those drugs commonly used by young adults⁠ at all night dance parties, "raves," and bars. They include MDMA (Ecstasy), GHB, Rohypnol, Ketamine (Special K), Methamphetamine, and LSD. NIDA-supported research has shown that use of club drugs can cause serious health problems and, in some cases, even death. This Web site provides information on each of these drugs, as well as links to NIDA newsletters, publications, and other related information on the Web. -The National Substance Abuse Web Index (NSAWI) has been developed by the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) to assist the substance abuse prevention and treatment communities in obtaining relevant, authoritative information available on the World Wide Web. This index of Web sites includes only those sites that are considered by NCADI to be the most useful for prevention and treatment.

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  • Madi Morelli

Sexual assault and abuse can take so many forms that some people don’t recognize right away or ever. I didn’t initially recognize it. The most simple legal definition of sexual assault is “forcing a victim to participate in sexual acts,” but this definition isn’t always helpful when you’re trying to figure out if you’ve been assaulted. It's so much more complicated and unique than a one-sentence definition.