
  • Heather Corinna

"Foreplay" is a term often used primarily by heterosexual people to describe sexual activities done before vaginal intercourse or activities which are anything besides any kind of genital intercourse. Often, when people talk about foreplay, they're talking about petting, dry sex, mutual masturbation...

  • Heather Corinna

It's not bad at ALL to have laughter be part of your sex life: it's ideal. Laughter is an expression of joy, after all, and ideally, sex should be an expression of joy, too. Nervous laughter is also okay: sex with a partner can make us feel anxious, nervous, or highly excited and it's normal for...

  • Heather Corinna

Fantastic question! It's so important for people to remember that usually when we're looking to engage in activities of any kind where there are some risks of negative or unwanted outcomes, it's usually because we also want to take risks of discovering or getting some positive or wanted outcomes. If...

  • Susie Tang

It feels good. The species would have a little trouble propagating if we didn't enjoy mating. By nature, sexual pleasure is the incentive that encourages us to make more of ourselves. That's quite good for the species -- so much so that I think humans may have done too good a job of it. But...

  • Sarah Riley

You'll probably be surprised to know that this is a pretty common question with an answer that may be unexpected based on what we've been taught about how things "should" go. The first thing you really need to understand when you're thinking about this is that the vaginal canal itself is not...

  • Heather Corinna

Vibrators cannot "desensitize" anyone in any permanent way. There have never been any findings through sound research which have shown that vibrators or other vigorous stimulation of the clitoris do anyone harm or change anyone's anatomy or sexual response permanently. Sure, they can kind of numb...

  • Heather Corinna

When someone asks me a sex readiness question, one of the big things I look for is that the onset of sex in a relationship is about more than one person mostly or solely initiating. In other words, I hear you telling me that he says you can stop if you want to, and that tells me he's probably the...

  • Heather Corinna

We get a LOT of questions like this, every single day, and have for as long as we've been online. Here are just a few more recent ones: I have been with my boyfriend for the last three years, and just last May we had sex for the first time. I was a virgin, he was not. We have had sex on a few...

  • Heather Corinna

Not having sex shouldn't cause anyone to have a nervous breakdown. And if you feel like your mental health hinges on being sexually active with a partner, that's not a good thing -- or healthy for you or a relationship -- and something you'd want to address with a mental health professional. Mind...

  • Heather Corinna

Unless you're masturbating with something that isn't sanitary -- such as a toy or object that can't really be sanitized, or with unwashed hands -- masturbation can't cause disease or infection, just like you, say, putting your fingers in your mouth isn't going to cause disease or infection unless...