
  • CJ Turett

The excitement of everything early in a relationship can be one of the most amazing feelings ever. Everything is perfect! Your partner is adorable! Everything about this person is endearing! You always get along! Everything feels so easy and natural! You both have permanent goofy grins pasted on...

  • Heather Corinna

It's great that you're looking for information for your friend. Hopefully, we can offer some both she and you will find useful. This month, we have the benefit of a some extra hands to help with this section of the site, including some wonderful sex educators, writers and activists. For this...

  • Heather Corinna

It certainly sounds like this isn't a good sexual relationship for you, and perhaps hasn't been throughout. I'm not surprised you're feeling dissatisfied, and not surprised you find yourself experiencing anger and resentment around your sex life in this relationship. It sounds not only like your...

  • Johanna Schorn

Before I say anything else, I want to make sure that you understand that it's okay for you to simply not feel like having sex, and to decide to not have it for the time being. You say you don't like sex, and that's absolutely valid: We don't have to like it, at any given time or ever. Now, if you DO...

  • CJ Turett

What someone likes or doesn’t like, both in general and more specifically as it relates to pleasure, is an intensely personal thing. As much as we sometimes like to pretend this isn’t true, there just aren’t universals about certain activities that Every Single Person Ever absolutely loves, or...

  • Heather Corinna

Being inclusive of disabled people in sex education and sexuality as a whole benefits those of us who are disabled and is something we strongly need. But it also can benefit everybody, in ways you might not expect.

  • Heather Corinna

Let's say I decide I want to learn to bake bread, so I decided to try and make bread every day. But what if in doing that, every day I had the oven set at the wrong temperature, was using the wrong measuring tools for my ingredients or kept using yeast which wasn't active anymore? I could keep doing...

  • Johanna Schorn

Nimpup's question continues: I know I could go down there and check but, I get too turned on when I see inside it and I just to want to have sex right then and there, so it's very hard for me to look for her. We've tried burning incense that is supposed to help stimulate us but it seems to only...

  • Heather Corinna

It's obviously important if you're here for information that you know what we mean when we say "sex," so we thought we'd make it clear.

  • Heather Corinna

Your boyfriend sounds awesome. And how quickly he ejaculates right now really doesn't have to present any problems if neither of you treat it like a problem. Just so you know, a lot of sex educators and therapists have big problems with the term and concept of "premature ejaculation" (PE) as it's...