
  • Sarah Riley

Have you seen your health care provider about this problem yet? If not, then that's the very first place to go. You need to get checked out and make sure that everything physically is alright with you right now. You should also make sure that you tell your health care provider specifically that you...

  • Sarah Riley

Was this actually diagnosed by a health care provider as being a yeast infection? If it was, then your provider should have told you how long you should wait before becoming sexually active again. If it was not, then you need to get yourself to your health care provider or clinic to get this checked...

  • Heather Corinna

The most obvious culprits for persistent bleeding following intercourse would be: cervicitis ( an inflammation of your cervix) the sexually transmitted infections chlamydia or gonorrhea vaginal dryness or trauma/injury or uterine fibroids If you're having sex using only the pill, the STIs would be...

  • Sarah Riley

The short answer is that yes, you should always use a condom in order to be as safe as possible. The longer answer is that while being a "virgin" (and remember, since that's a social construction rather than a medical one, it is defined differently by different people) may reduce your risk, it does...

  • Heather Corinna

There's nothing illegal about being platonic friends with someone who is an adult when you're a minor and/or under the age of consent: even if you were dating, so long as the physical activity was affectional and not sexual -- and hand-holding is not classed as sexual behaviour under any set of laws...

  • Heather Corinna

Hey, Jamie. First things first: there are all of two or three countries in the world where it's even lawful for you to have intercourse at your age, and in most places, many other kinds of sex. If you're writing in from the states, there is no state in which you're at the age of consent. However you...

  • Heather Corinna

Maybelline, I don't mean to sound like your Mom, but I have to say that based on your last post and this one, I'm not so sure engaging in receptive anal sex is the right thing for you to be doing right now. I suggested that to you for a few reasons before, and I'm going to suggest it again now...

  • Heather Corinna

Our general body size earnestly has very, very little -- and most often nothing at all -- to do with the "tightness" or "looseness" of our vaginal openings and vaginas. Genital size, whether we're talking about penises or vaginas, most typically does not correspond to overall body size. I'm not...

  • Heather Corinna

Jako: let's work backwards with your questions. For starters, her itchiness may have been irritation from either the condom OR the spermicide. Spermicides are essentially dish soap, and genital tissue is delicate, so you can imagine that for a lot of people, it doesn't feel so good. Since irritation...

  • Sarah M.

Bleeding for more than two weeks at a time is a good reason to see a doctor, at least to make sure you haven't become anemic (iron deficient) due to blood loss, and to rule out pregnancy as a cause of the bleeding if that is a possibility. It is most common for a period to last 4-6 days, but...