
  • Sam Wall

The good news is, you're definitely not the first person to ask this question. People have been trying to parse out what, exactly, constitutes love for most of human history. And who can blame them? Loving someone, and feeling loved in return is, in its best form, a really wonderful emotion. And...

  • Sam Wall

Ah -- long distance relationships! It seems more and more as if, at some point in life, experiencing long-distance with a romantic or sexual partner (or friend, or family member: any kind of person we care about and can be in a relationship with) is inevitable. In fact, our volunteer Joey wrote an...

  • Carly G

Dating this wonderful person pushed me to think about some things in new and challenging ways. Here are some of my favorite lessons that I learned when I dated a woman.

  • Onionpie

It's hard to say when things finally changed for me. All the pieces were there for a long time, waiting to fall into place, but I just wasn't ready to let go and watch them tumble down. The idea of having to put it all behind me scared me. The idea of losing such a close relationship. Of losing something so familiar.


It's hard to say when things finally changed for me. All the pieces were there for a long time, waiting to fall into place, but I just wasn't ready to let go and watch them tumble down. The idea of having to put it all behind me scared me. The idea of losing such a close relationship. Of losing something so familiar.

  • Heather Corinna

Feeling like you didn't "get anything in return" sounds very troubling to me. That strikes me as a huge deal, and like something that's probably bigger and about more than sex being a first-time for you and not for him. Someone with partners before you isn't limited in their ability to do their part...

  • Heather Corinna

I understand why you're feeling heartbroken. I'm so sorry this is how things have been going for you and that you're hurting so much. I strongly doubt you were stupid, and I want to remind you that this isn't something you did by yourself: both of you chose to add sex to your relationship, not just...

  • Heather Corinna

I can't make these choices for you, and I think it's really important you make and own your own choices in relationships and in sex once you start choosing to have them be part of your life. What I can do for you is to try and give you some extra information and perspective, based on what you've...

  • Heather Corinna

Maybe you know what safer sex is. But do you also know what it isn't? Take a minute and fact-check your ideas about what can protect you from STIs and what cannot.

  • Heather Corinna

I wish that I could give you one simple, short and objective answer for what love is, but unfortunately, I can't. That's a question people have been asking for probably as long as there have been people, and as of yet, while there have been millions of answers, I don't think anyone has arrived at...